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South Asian Studies

Resources for research and teaching.

Om Hrim Siddhi Chakra. By Anishshah19 (18th Century art) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Digitized Texts and Digital Resources

Newly Acquired Titles on Jainism at Emory

You can access a list of newly acquired titles for a given topic by searching for a key term in DiscoverE and then selecting "Newly Acquired" under the "Show only" category on the left-hand side of the screen. Select "Date-newest" under the "Sorted by:" category in order to see the most recent publications first. 

Here I searched for "Jain*" to catch any related key term (Jain, Jaina, Jainism, etc.).

Reference Works on Jainism

Individual works on Jainism

Individual works on Religion