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Library Service Desk

Subject Training for LSD

Guest Printing

Links for Print Card Management

Eagleprint User portal:

Eagleprint Print Release portal:

Eagleprint Admin portal, STAFF:

Emorycard, Add Funds (Authorized User):

  • select 7 digit login
  • replace 899 with 0
  • first three letters are woo



Guest Printers - Assisting from the Supervisor Stations

To check their balance:

  • Go to Eagleprint user portal:
  • Sign in with guest-[card number], password is last 4 digits of card number.
  • Review balance under Summary 

To assist a patron with uploading a document via Eagleprint:

If they’d like to self manage, log them into the visitor workstation

-direct them to the shortcut on the desktop named: UPLOAD DOCUMENTS - VISITOR PRINTING

  1. instruct them to log in with guest-card number and pin
  2. they can send documents on their own, either from cloud storage, email, flash drive, etc.

If they’d like us to submit the print job for them:

They should email their print job to

  1. Download attachment
  2. login to papercut user portal ( ) with generic username and pin
  3. walk through upload. Ask if single/double sided, color or black and white.
  4. Give card back, visitor can swipe/log in and release from MFP1 (the faxing printer)

To assist with reloading money print cards:

  1. We can’t accept cash for reloading a print card. They will have to purchase an additional print card if they only have cash.
  2. Go to
  3. Login is different than the Eagleprint login!

a. Enter the 7-digit account code for the card. The code will be 0-_ _ _ _ _ _, using the 6 digits after “899”   For example, the code for the card below would be 0249967.

b. Enter “woo” for “first 3 characters of the first name” ( first three letters of Woodruff Library)

c. Work through the payment portal, add $5 or more for it to work.

d.Enter an email address the guest would like a receipt sent to. If they don't want a receipt email, send to

e. Pay by debit or credit card. Turn the screen and allow the patron to enter card info themselves. Or, if they ask/hand us their card, we can enter payment info for them.


To set up a batch of cards for visitor printing -


Receive batch from EmoryCard

  • Refer to Visitor Print Card Spreadsheet to note which cards have a balance of $6
  • Mark $6 cards with green dot stickers
  • Open papercut admin portal, login with NetID -
    • Go to Users
    • On right hand side, create internal user

  • Set up account with info as follows:
    • Username: guest- [card number]
    • Full name: [card number]
    • Email: guest-[card number]
    • Password / PIN : [Last 4 digits of card number]

  • Set up account with this scheme for each card.
  • After accounts are set up in papercut, they need to be paired with the physical card.
    • To pair a card with it's new generic account, go to MFP1, the printer enabled for visitor use
    • Swipe each card, log in
      • username: guest-[cardnumber]
      • Password/Pin: [last four digits of card number]
  • Last steps
    • Card jackets -
    • Write card number and pin number on inside flap, where the card will be placed
    • Double stick tape in center, place card

  • blue sticker to hold shut the jacket
  • green sticker on $5 cards
  • There should be 5 of each card in the supervisor drawer at opening, backstock and stickers kept in the safe

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Citing and Using Sources


Citing and Using Sources

Citing and using your sources appropriately is also an important part of the research process. Need help citing and using sources? Check out our tips, strategies, and some of our Research Guides and Ask a Librarian answers.

Integrating, Managing, and Citing Your Sources

Integrating, or synthesizing, your sources into your research project can help ensure that you are getting your points across to your audience. And keeping your sources organized can help you both use your sources effectively in your research and cite your sources appropriately. See the following resources for tips on managing your sources.

Proxy Request Form

Proxy Request Form

Emory faculty, graduate instructors, and persons with disabilities are eligible to register proxies. A proxy acts on another person's behalf regarding library materials.

The Library Service Desk supervisor at the Robert W. Woodruff Library will set up the requested proxy and let you know when it is ready.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Library Service Desk at 404-727-6873 or email

Visitor Request for Library Materials Form


Visitor Request for Library Materials Form

Request materials for users not affiliated with Emory.

If you are an Emory faculty, staff, or student or Emory affiliate with a library account, please log into Library Search to request materials.

All others please continue with the form below. You will be contacted when the material is available for you at the Robert W. Woodruff Library Service Desk. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Library Service Desk at (404) 727-6873 or email

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Emory Alumni

Emory Alumni Using the Library

Alumni interested in an alumni card can follow the instructions on the Emory Card Office - Visitor Accounts page:

Alumni may access to the following libraries with alumni card and picture ID:

Emory alumni are eligible for lifetime library privileges for our print collection. Alumni also may use the computers in the Learning Commons at Woodruff Library. Please see the Library Service Desk on Level 2 for access.

There is no remote access to our electronic resources for alumni. Alumni can access electronic resources in person in the Learning Commons. However, alumni do have remote access to a select number of databases specifically for alumni.

The alumni website also lists additional library privileges.

For additional questions, please message us through Ask a Librarian or contact your library service desk.

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