1) Click on the Fulfillment Tab.
2) Under Fulfillment and Checkout/Checkin select Manage Patron Services.
3) Scan Patron ID or Search for Patron and click Go.
Type in last name, first name
Scan ID
Type in account/barcode number
TIP: If you're having difficulty with a spelling or need to look for patrons with a similar last name, click on the magnifying glass to search and view the patron database.
4) Click the Active Balance link (34.00 USD)
5) The default view lists the active fines on the account, including waivers and credits. These fines are not paid and have not transferred to the bursar.
6) To view additional details on a fee and why it was applied, click on Actions and View Loan. This will display information such as the loan date due date, return date, and loan status (i.e. Lost).
1) Click on the Fulfillment Tab.
2) Under Fulfillment and Checkout/Checkin select Manage Patron Services.
3) Scan Patron ID or Search for Patron and click Go.
Type in last name, first name
Scan ID
Type in account/barcode number
4) Click on the active balance link.
5) From Active fines, copy the barcode from the fine you'd like to credit. Also note the amount you want to credit next to the barcode.
6) Click Add Fine or Fee.
7) Fill out the following fields:
Fee Type: credit
Fee Amount: equal to original debit
Item Barcode: paste item barcode
Comment: why credit is being issued
**IMPORTANT: If you'd like to credit a fine that has been bursared from a previous semester, you must add the following to the comment section to ensure the fine is credited in OPUS:
1. The word debit needs to be lowercase.
2. Follow with a colon.
3. The debit date should be the full year, followed by the full month in two digits, and then the date, in two digits.
The month and day need to be two digits, so if it’s 1-9, you’ll need to add a “0”. The same goes for the day. (01-09)
4. This needs to be followed by a semicolon.
Patron Name,
We have marked the following item as claimed returned on your account ____________.
This item will be searched for at least four times in the next two months. If this item is found, it will be checked in and removed from your account. Additionally, if you come across this item, please return it at your earliest convenience.
However, if this item is not found after two months of searching, your account will be charged the $100 lost fee. If your account reaches five or more claims returned that are not found, your account will be blocked.
Let us know if you have any questions.
Library Service Desk
In Person or over the phone: Have a conversation with the patron regarding what the library will do with a claims return and what the patrons responsibility is.
"This item will be searched for at least four times in the next two months. If this item is found, it will be checked in and removed from your account. Additionally, if you come across this item, please return it at your earliest convenience. However, if this item is not found after two months of searching your account will be charged the $100 lost fee. If your account reaches five or more claims returned that are not found, your account will be blocked."
Claimed Returned email template - send this email to the patron who called over the phone AND/OR emailed in about a claims return.
1) Click on the Fulfillment Tab
2) Under Fulfillment and Checkout/Check-in select Manage Patron Services..
3) Scan Patron ID or Search for Patron and click Go.
Type in last name, first name
Scan ID
Type in account/barcode number
4) In the Loans tab, select All under Loan Display.
5) Locate item to claims return under '...' select Claims Returned.
6) OPTIONAL: Add a note about this claims returned.
Access OPUS through the web browser of your choice.
Log In Using Your Network ID and Password
Select the Student Accounts and Billing Option
From this screen, click on View Account Detail.
Type the student's Emory ID number into ID field and click search to find their account.
After typing the student’s Emory ID number and clicking search, OPUS will populate a list of all account activity for the student. An easy way to find library related charges is to use the find option (Crtl + F) then type library to search for library keyword.
Any positive number represents a charge to the student’s account. Any negative number represents a credit issued, refund, or any other form of payment. See below for an example:
Fines that appear in OPUS do not show up in ALMA. This causes accounts to appear as if they have no fines in ALMA. A patron approaching the desk inquiring about fines will see fines actively on their account until the fines are transferred to OPUS. Checking OPUS in addition to ALMA will provide an accurate assessment of the fines and fees that a patron has accrued.
This is the bursaring schedule for ALMA: