1. Publications can be manually added from the Home Screen option under My Summary.
2. Publications can also be manually added from the My Publications view.
3. If you possess the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) associated with your publication, search by DOI after you select “Add a New Publication” type. Otherwise, enter the Title of the scholarly work to be manually added.
4. If listed in the search results, select Claim next to the correct title to add to the Claimed list.
If shown under “In Profiles” with Already Claimed, do not proceed. This publication has already been claimed in Emory FIRST.
If shown under “In External Database”, Claim publication and it will be reflected under the “Mine” tab.
If no results or correct titles are found, “Select Go to Next Step” and then proceed to the next step to manually add the full citation information into Emory FIRST.
Continue with manual entry of publications that do not appear in the pending queue of the authoritative sources.