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English Literature Research Guide

This is a general overview of the resources available in the subject area of English literature.

First Year Composition

Below you'll find some of the most used resources in First Year Writing courses. This includes access to the Writing Center, information about digital and multimedia projects, and guides to writing and citation.

Writing and Research Help

  • Emory Writing Center - get help with your writing, from class papers to cover letters.
  • Library Workshops - Attend workshops at the library to develop your research and communication skills, including writing skills and presentation skills.
  • Emory Databases - Explore all of our databases to find sources for your research and writing projects.
  • Databases hint: You can select "All Database Types" to find specific types of databases including newspapers, primary sources, and streaming videos.
  • Ask a Librarian - Get in touch with the library if you have questions or need help!
  • Find a Subject Specialist - See our full list of subject specialist librarians to find one who can help you with your research project.

Digital and Multimedia Projects

Great Books on Writing and Research