From the Appointments header, click on the Availability tab to set appointment perimeters. For example, I want weekly (clicking Mon-Thu), from 10am-4pm to be the only options patrons can see.
Then, click on the My Settings tab to the following options:
- Patron Must Book In Advance—recommend 24 hours
- Patron Can Cancel Appointment—recommend at least 1 hour
- Friendly URL
- Patron Reminder Email—recommend at least 1 hour
- Create Appointment Instructions/Description
- Create Appointment Form Questions:
- REQUIRED: Emory Affiliation (list select whether faculty, graduate student, undergraduate, staff, etc.)
- Topics—recommended
- How may I help you?—recommended
- Customize Email texts—messages sent to Patron and to Admin (you!)
- Setup Outlook Calendar Sync on Integrations tab
Note: check the box for “Yes, check my calendar for busy times and hide any LibCal availability timeslots when I'm busy.”