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Emory's LibGuide on LibGuides: Best Practices & Guidelines for Creating and Maintaining LibGuides

An internal guide for Emory Libraries.

Agenda for January 2019 Libguide Meetings

AGENDA for January 2019 Libguide Meetings

  1. WHY
    1. Brief review of Libguide RESC goals for FY19  (Lisa Macklin)
    2. Lit-Review review (Jennifer Elder)
  2. WHAT
    1. Standards and Best Practices overview- (Kim Collins) 
    2. Left-navigation suggested (Chris Pollette)
    3. Metadata project (Chris Pollette) 
    4. Demo
      1. Left-navigation conversion and acknowledgement of difficult guides that may fall out of scope for now.
      2. Using the database assets repository.
      3. Quick start demo (time-permitting)
  3. HOW
    1. Highlight a few areas for Libguide improvements  - use CHECKLIST (Chris Pollette & Kim Collins)
    2. Review task force charter DRAFT (Kim Collins) 
    1. What support do you need?
    2. What would be most helpful moving forward?
    3. Call for task force volunteers


RESC FY19 LibGuide-related Goals

FY19 RESC Division Goals

  • LibGuides
    • Update content in LibGuides to provide a better user experience and to prepare for a migration to LibGuides CMS 
      • We will establish a task force to set best practices
      • Our student will provide support for updating links and other content in summer 2018
      • Everyone in the division will participate in a project to update the content in their public LibGuides
    • Plan a move to LibGuides CMS in summer of 2019
      • In FY 19/20 explore moving to a site license for LibGuides CMS.  A site license will allow all libraries using LibGuides to integrate guides into Canvas courses.