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Emory's LibGuide on LibGuides: Best Practices & Guidelines for Creating and Maintaining LibGuides

An internal guide for Emory Libraries.

Agenda, July 17th "Cupcakes and CMS" event

I. LibCal Set-up Instructions. (see guidelines) - Chris Pollette

II. LibGuide Task Force Update - Jennifer Elder

III. CMS Update - Chris Pollette


Login to

            Using the Left Hand blue button, navigate to LibCal

Please use GUIDELINES (forthcoming) to make sure our users experiences are consistent across all subject librarins 

From the Appointments header, click on the Availability  tab to set appointment perimeters.  For example, I want weekly (clicking Mon-Fri), from 9:30am-4:30pm to be the only options patrons can see.  Then, click on the My Settings tab to the following options :

Patron Must Book In Advance
Patron Can Cancel Appointment
Patron Reminder Email
Create Appointment Instructions/Description
Create Appointment Form Questions
Create Email texts

Finally, you need to use the Integration tab to sync your Outlook with LibCal

Server/Host =
Username = Emory e-mail address using your net id, ex
Password = your Emory password (you will need to manual change this each year)
Email = your e-mail