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Emory's LibGuide on LibGuides: Best Practices & Guidelines for Creating and Maintaining LibGuides

An internal guide for Emory Libraries.

April 17th RESC Division Presentation

PPT Title: Progress Report – RESC LibGuide Task Force - April 17, 2019

I. Task force, charter, and who we are/membership

II. Deliverables (what we ‘ve done so far) 

III, July 1 CMS Change – gives team until end of June to make updates and make things private

IV. Convert LibGuides to Left Nav – link to tab of guide about left nav

V. Naming conventions for course guide

VI. Friendly URLs for course guides

VII. TOP 3 THINGS TO DO NOW - highlight checklist 

VIII. Questions? Ask chairs and team reps

IX. One of deliverables is standardized subject list - Database subject assignment deadline Mid-may 

X. Conclusion