GSDRC Topic Guides: Topic guides with links to reports, books, articles, and additional resources under headings for
designing strategies, timing, as well as library links to other resources. This topic guide is on transitional justice, another guide is on Conflict, including a chapter on recovering from violent conflict.
Tufts Libraries Research Guide: Transitional Justice and Post-Conflict Society: Includes databases, journals, websites, and publications
USIP (US Institute of Peace): Truth Commission Digital Collection: Profiles of truth commissions and bodies of inquiry worldwide, with background information, links to official texts, and final reports and findings
University of Texas Austin Libraries Human Rights Documentation Initiative: Web archive of vulnerable of records of human rights struggles worldwide.
Transitional Justice Methods Manual: An Exchange on Researching and Assessing Transitional Justice (SwissPeace and Oxford Transitional Justice Research 2013): Questions, approaches, and further reading citations
University of Vermont / Vermont Legislative Research Service: Truth and Reconciliation Commissions Report (2021)
International Journal of Transitional Justice
United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation, and guarantees of non-recurrence. : International instruments, annual reports, country visits, and documents.
OHCHR Transitional Justice and Human Rights: Documents, thematic papers, publications, news.
OHCHR Rule of Law Tools for Post-Conflict States: (Archive). Guidance materials from the OHCHR on legal system monitoring, transitional justice, reparations, prosecutions, truth & reconciliation.
United Nations Security Council Report of the Secretary-General: The Rule of Law and Transitional Justice in Conflict and Post-Conflict Societies (S/2011/634)
United Nations Official Documents System Search (ODS): Search UN documents and resolutions by full-text, title words, subject matter, and document symbols.
Security Council Report: An independent organization with reports on the activities of the UN Security Council and its subsidiary bodies. Find reports by country and region, or by theme. Themes include Peacebuilding; Post-Conflict Stabilisation; Justice and the Rule of Law; and Human Rights. Country and theme pages include selected key UN Documents.
UN Development Programme: Africa: Support for 46 countries in accelerating achievement of the sustainable developments goals, including peace and security.
International Center for Transitional Justice: Publications include newsletters, reports, research papers, and submissions for the UN Universal Periodic Review. Filter your search by country and issue.
United States Institute of Peace: Resources on post-conflict reconstruction. Find publications by country or issue area, and handbooks in the issue areas of conflict analysis and prevention; electoral violence; fragility and resilience; human rights; justice, security, and rule of law; peace processes, and reconciliation.
Human Rights Studies Online (subscription database): Primary documents, articles, and video on major human rights crimes and conflict atrocities 1900-2010.
IDEA (International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance): Publications and statistics databases on elections, constitution building, and democracy, with country-specific reports.
Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation: Publications by subject include reports on restorative justice, peacebuilding, transitional justice, and reconciliation. Include books, policy briefs, and reports.
Websites of criminal tribunals and truth commissions have case information, judgments, reports, and documents.
International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals: Created to perform essential functions previously carried out by the ICTR and ICTY.
International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
South Africa Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission
East Timor Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation
El Salvador Commission on the Truth
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Liberia
USIP (US Institute of Peace): Truth Commission Digital Collection: Profiles of truth commissions and bodies of inquiry worldwide, with background information, links to official texts, and final reports and findings
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