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LAW 690B - Human Rights Advocacy (Prof. Ludsin, Spring 2024)

Data and Statistics

Emory Center for Digital Scholarship: Robert O'Reilly's guides to Emory data sets and resources available at Emory. Resources listed by topic, including elections, health, and international relations.

Proquest Statistical Insight :  Search statistics from federal agencies, IGOs, professional and trade organizations, commercial publishers, and  research organizations.

World Bank DataBank: Search data from multiple databases (World Bank, OECD, UN) to create charts and spreadsheets.

OECD iLibrary:  Online library of statistical databases and ebooks with statistics including global development, migration, environment, and education.

UN Data: Popular tables, SDG Indicators database, and Monthly Bulletin of Statistics.  Search UNData for data across 32 UN databases.

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Statistical yearbooks and the UNHCR Statistical Online Population Database.

World Health Organization Global Health Observatory: Data, reports, and country statistics on health.

CIRI Human Rights Data Project: Downloadable data set with information on government respect for human rights by country, with data from 1981-2011.

Armed Conflict Location & Event Data ProjectData analysis and crisis mapping on political violence and protest events.

Land Portal: Datasets on land use and property rights

Bureau of Justice Statistics: Statistical reports and publications from the U.S. Department of Justice on courts, crime, and law enforcement.

U.S. Courts: Statistics & Reports. Statistics and data tables on Federal judicial caseloads

TRAC ReportsData reports on federal courts, judges, immigration, and federal law enforcement. A password is required for some data.

Department of Homeland Security: Immigration Data & Statistics: Datasets and publications related to immigration, including the Yearbook of Immigration Statistics

Migration Policy Institute Data Hub: U.S. and international data on immigration and refugees

Census Data: Data from the US census, American Community Survey, and the Economic Census, with datasets, fact sheets, reference maps, surveys and estimates.

Open Secrets(Center for Responsive Politics): Includes data and tables on political fundraising and spending by candidate, party, interest group, and PAC.

Pew Research Center: Public polling data on U.S. politics and social trends.

American National Election Studies: Data on voting, public opinion, and political participation.

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