UN Core Human Rights Treaties: With dates and treaty monitoring bodies
Status of Ratification Interactive Dashboard: Status of ratification of the 18 international human rights treaties by country, with declarations.
UN Universal Human Rights Instruments: Longer list of treaties and documents, arranged by topic
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Treaties
Council of Europe Treaties: Includes the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
OAU/AU Treaties, Conventions, Protocols & Charters: African Union treaties with dates and status lists
Oxford Reports on International Law includes full-text international decisionson human rights and international criminal law, from international courts, domestic courts, and the UN human rights tribunals. Browse options include subject (with a long list of subtopics), jurisdiction, and state party. The Oxford Law Citator provides citations to documents and related citing cases and documents.
Oxford International Organizations: Key primary documents of international organizations with commentary. Includes judgments and rules of international courts. Articles include links to journal articles and materials cited and the Oxford Law Citator.
International Justice Resource Center: News, court calendars, reports, and documents of cases currently before the UN tribunals.
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights has decisions, judgments, advisory opinions, and pending cases available in pdf and as Word documents. Most are available only in Spanish, some in English, Portuguese, or French. The site also has Rules of Procedure and international human rights instruments.
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights: Cases before the Court, and Petition and Case System Procedure
The International Criminal Court has judgments and pending case information from the ICC. The Resource Library section has the text of the Rome Statute and the court's Rules of Procedure and Evidence, Elements of Crimes, and Chambers' Practice Manual.
The ICC's Legal Tools Database has ICC documents, legal instruments, national legislation, national cases, human rights decisions, and other international legal decisions.
HUDOC is the searchable database of caselaw of the European Court of Human Rights. Search by treaty article, state, or keyword.
Global Health and Human Rights Database: Judgments by health and human rights topic, country, or international body, plus international instruments.
State Department Country Reports on Human Rights: Retrieve individual country reports or build reports on issues across countries.
UNHCR Refworld (UN Refugee Agency): Reports and policy documents from the UN, governmental organizations, NGOs, and academic institutions on human rights and humanitarian law topics. Refworld includes national caselaw and legislation related to refugees and asylum, and country profiles and reports. Search, or browse by country, author organization, or topic.
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights: Annual reports, plus reports and publications by country or theme. Thematic reports including on rights of indigenous peoples, rights of migrants, human rights defenders, and memory truth and justice.
European Country of Origin Information Network: Human rights reports from multiple countries and organizations, country profiles, and other documents for supporting asylum claims. Search by terms, filter by country, source, document type, or date.
UK Home Office: Country policy and information notes. Guidance used by UK Visas and Immigration for decisions in asylum and human rights applications.
ICTJ International Center for Transitional Justice: Documents and publications related to work pursuing accountability for past human rights abuses.
Human Rights First: News, FactSheets, and Reports on topics including Human Rights Defenders, Immigration Detention, and Refugee Protection.
Human Rights Watch: Browse the topics list to find news and reports.
Amnesty International: Human rights news and research reports by topic and region or country.
World Justice Project: Rule of Law Index and Country Profiles on the country’s adherence to the rule of law, including rankings on Fundamental Rights.
ILGA (International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Intersex Association): Entries by country with summaries and citations of laws related to sexual orientation. The site also has the Annual State-Sponsored Homophobia Report with world laws on criminalization and discrimination.
SOWIP (State of the World's Indigenous Peoples): A publication of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. Focus on issues including poverty and well-being, environment, health, human rights, and rights to lands and territories.
United Nations:
Key Documents and Conventions:
Research Guides:
Books and Treatises:
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