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memo in MAXQDA is a place to write notes, questions, and hypotheses about your coded data. Think of a memo like a sticky-note you are attaching to different blocks of text, codes, or documents. 

Memos can be attached to individual codes, documents, or to text that you have highlighted.

Memo Toolbar

  • Use the Memo toolbar at the top of the MAXQDA window to add a free memo (not attached to a code or document) or launch the memo manager.

MAXQDA 24 memo toolbar


MAXQDA24 memo manager window

Memos in the Document Browser

Highlight the text you want to memo.

To insert a memo:

  • Right click on the highlighted text and choose Insert Memo for Selection

MAXQDA24 document memo context menu

  • Or click the memo icon in the Document Browser

insert memo document browser toolbar

  • Write your commentary in the memo box. (You can also rename the memo.)

MAXQDA24 document browser memo

  • Close the memo box. You will see a memo icon next to the highlighted text.

document browser with memo icon

  • Click the Show Sidebar icon in the Document Browser toolbar to see all memos for that document.

show sidebar icon in document toolbar

Memos in the Code System and the Document System

Code System Memos:

  • Go to the Code System. Right-click in the Memo column.

code system memo column

  • Click New memo.

code system new memo context menu

  • Fill out the memo information, and close the memo box. A yellow memo icon will appear next to the code.
  • Use the same process to attach a memo to a document in the Document System.