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MAXQDA is a software program that allows you to code and analyze your qualitative research. It allows you to code faster and more efficiently.

This research guide will help you:

  • Understand the basics of MAXQDA
  • Import your data
  • Learn how to do basic coding
  • Retrieve and export coded data

Getting MAXQDA

MAXQDA is paid software. Emory does not currently have a site license for this software. MAXQDA offers a free trial, and there are also discounted student and academic license options. If you are teaching a class, MAXQDA offers free course licenses to enrolled students for up to 120 days.

Accessing MAXQDA on Campus

MAXQDA is available at the following locations on campus:

  • Learning Commons at Woodruff Library
    • (MAXQDA is on the nine windows computers on the first floor)
  • Woodruff Health Sciences Library