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How to Import

You can import text (Word, RTF), PDFs, Excel sreadsheets, images, audio, video, Twitter data, Youtube comments, bibliographic data, websites, and surveys.

In order to get started with MAXQDA, you first need to import your files.

To do this:

  • Click on the Import tab.
  • Click on the kind of data you want to import.
  • Choose the file(s) from your computer, and click Import.

After you import your files, they will be present in the Document System.

MAXQDA 24 Import tab with buttons for: texts, transcripts, focus group transcripts, images, audio, videos, survey data etc.

MAXQDA Web Collector

Sample Import Files

Rathnaweera, D., & Jayathilaka, R. (2021). In employees’ favour or not?—The impact of virtual office platform on the work-life balances. PLOS ONE, 16(11), e0260220.