The MAXQDA Screen is broken into four windows. These are:
1. Document System: View imported files.
2. Code System: View and create the code system.
3. Document Browser: View and code documents.
4. Retrieved Segments: See coded segments. Look at segments matching one or multiple codes.
MAXQDA allows you to open and minimize windows so you can work most productively.
Click on the — on any window in the top right-hand corner to minimize it.
When you minimize a window, it turns into a tab into the bottom bar of the full MAXQDA window.
There are two window layouts: a 3-column default layout and a 4-quadrant layout.
Use the Switch Layout icons to change the layout.
The Document System window shows you all your imported documents. The document in bold is open in your Document Browser.
The Document Browser window is where where you will code individual documents.
The Code System window is where all your codes live. You can create new codes here or through working in the Document Browser.
The Retrieved Segments window lets you view and export your already coded snippets. In order to use this window, you must activate the code(s) and document(s) you want to look at. (Please see the page of this guide on Activation and Exporting Documents for more details.)