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In MAXQDA, you activate the codes and documents that you want to work with.

  • To retrieve coded segments, you must activate at least one code in the Code Browser and one document in the Document Browser
  • Activated documents and codes have a purple dot to the left of their names.

To activate a code:

  • Hover your mouse next to the name of the code. An empty circle should appear.
  • Click the circle to activate the code. (This also activates any subcodes of that code.) The circle will turn into a purple dot.

MAXQDA24 code browser with activated "Work-life ba

Activating documents in the Document Browser works the same way.


Retrieving Coded Segments

In order to use the Retrieved Segments window:

  • Activate at least one code and at least one document.
    • Relevant coded segments of the document(s) will appear in the Retrieved Segments window.
      • Activated documents must contain at least one of the activated codes for results to appear in the Retrieved Segments window.

MAXQDA24 retrieved segments window


  • Click on the side coding stripe symbol to locate the coded text in context in the Document Browser window.

Activating Segments by Variable

You can retrieve segments based variables as well as codes. In this example, we will look for employed participants under the age of 35.

  • Click the purple sheet of paper icon at the top right of the Document System
  • Click Activate Documents Based on Variable Values to launch the Activate by Variable window.

Document Browser menu activate by variable

  • Double click on the variable of interest to move it to the Conditions column.
    • In this example, we want to activate documents by participants under the age of 25 who are employed.

Activate by variable window select variable

  • Choose an operator for the variable value. The default operator is = (equal to).
    • Operators are:
      • = (equal to)
      • < (smaller than)
      • ≤ (smaller than or equal to)
      • > (larger than)
      • ≥ (larger than or equal to)
      • ≠ (unequal)
      •  ⊃ (contains)
        •  ⊃ (contains) can only be used for text variables.

Activate by variable selecting operator

  • Choose the variable value for the operator. 

Activate by variable select value

  • Add additional variable conditions with the Boolean operators AND or OR. (AND is the default.)
    • AND means the activated document will satisfy all conditions.
    • OR means it will satisfy at least one condition. 

activate based variables AND/OR

  • Click Activate at the bottom of the window to activate the documents that meet your variable conditions.

Activate based on variables activate button​​​​​​​

  • You can now use the code browser to activate codes in the documents selected by your chosen variables.

Reset Activation

Reset activations to clear activated codes and documents.

To reset all activations:

  • Go to the Home menu.
  • Click Reset Activations.

Reset activations button in home toolbar


  • Use the export button at the top of the Retrieved Segments window to export retrieved segments as a Word document, Excel spreadsheet, webpage, or Smart Publisher report

MAXQDA24 Retrieved Segments export button

MAXQDA Manual: Segment Retrieval