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Coding and Codes


  • The act of transforming raw data into workable order.

  • In coding, you look for patterns. You are creating manageable and relevant categories for yourself.

Codes in MAXQDA:

  • Can consist of one or more letters, and can go up until 63 characters. 
  • Can be assigned a color. This can be useful in visualizing your code system easily. For example, if all your codes that have to do with gender are yellow, you can look at a document and see this easily.
  • Can also have subcodes

Some suggestions for coding in MAXQDA:

  • Code more than one word or phrase, enough that you have some context when you retrieve coded segments.

New Code from Document Browser

To code with a new code:

  • Highlight the text you want to code and then either:
    • click on the code with a new code button at the top of the Document Browser Window.

MAXQDA24 Document Browser New Code button at top of window

  • Right click on the text and choose With New Code from the context menu.

MAXQDA24 right click context menu, arrow pointing at "With New Code" menu option

  • The new code box will appear, where you will write in the new code name. You can also choose a color for your code and add a code memo.

MAXQDA 24 New Code window with entries for name, color, code memo, and comment on coded segment


  • Click Ok. 
  • You now have coded with a new code. Daycare is a new code in the document open in the Document Browser.

MAXQDA24 "Daycare " appears as a  new code in document browser next to highlighted text

  • This code also appears in the Code System at the top.
  • The number next to the code lets you know how many times the code has been used in your project.

New code "daycare" at top of Code System window

New Code from Code System

  • Use the New Code button at the top of the Code System window to create a new code

MAXQDA24 New Code button at the top of the Code System window

  • The new code box will pop up, and you can enter the information. 

Existing Code

To code with an existing code:

  • Highlight the text you want to code.
  • Drag the highlighted text into the Code System window onto the desired code. (You can also drag a code into the text you have highlighted.)
  • Once the text is dragged onto the code, you will see the code in the Document Browser next to the highlighted text.

Generating Subcodes

To create a subcode, you can drag a new code on top of an existing code.

You can also create a subcode inside the code system. Hover your cursor over a code, and click the + button.

The new code box will appear. Write in the name of the subcode. Click OK:

Coding Images

  • Draw a box inside the image to code that area.  

MAXQDA24 Coding an image in the document browser. The box around the new area to be coded is highlighted in green.

  • Drag and drop the box into an existing code or create a new code.

Sorting Codes

  • Go to the Code System window.
  • Right click on Codes at the top of the system.
  • Click Sort in the context menu, then choose to sort by frequency or by name.

MAXQDA24 Sorting codes by right clicking "Codes" and bringing up the context menu in the Code System


Deleting Codes

To delete one code from a document in the Document Browser:

  • Go to instance of the code you wish to delete.
  • Right click on the code to open the context menu.
  • Click Delete on the context menu.

MAXQDA24 right click context menu with delete option

  • Click OK on the confirmation box to delete the code. (Only that one instance of that code will be deleted.)

MAXQDA24 confirmation box to delete code in Document Browser

To delete a code from the Code System (deleting all instances of the code in all your documents):

  • Hover your mouse over the code and click the X that appears.
  • Click OK on the confirmation box to delete. This removes the code from the Code System and all documents.

MAXQDA24 Manual - Coding