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LAW702L - Indian Antitrust Law (Prof. Kaur, Fall 2021)

Research Guides

Use research guides to plan your project. Research guides can point you to reliable sources in an unfamiliar area of law.

Foreign Law Guide databaseEntries by jurisdiction include legal history and descriptions of the country's government and legal institutions, as well as internet, database, and print sources for legal research. 

NYU Globalex Guides: Research guides with descriptions of legal systems and sources include Guide to Indian Laws and India's Legal Research and Legal System.


Study Aids

Study aids can be a quick way to get background in a subject area, find information on US and comparative law, and learn terminology for searching in databases. Find study aids on reserve at the Service Desk or in the West Academic Study Aids collection. 

Titles with discussion of international or comparative antitrust and competition law include: 

News and Blogs

Legal news and current awareness sources can help you choose or revise a topic, and can help you track developments in the area of law you are researching.

Global Legal MonitorLaw Library of Congress. Legal news articles by jurisdiction (including India)  or topic with links to documents. Includes citations and dates for news and documents. Find antitrust news under Administrative Law and Regulatory Procedures, or search "antitrust or competition." 

Law360Use the web version to browse for legal news by subject, including Competition, or search the database on Lexis

Bloomberg Law News: AntitrustLegal news, including subtopics like monopolization, price discrimination, restraint of trade. 

Baker & McKenzie Global Compliance News: Antitrust/Competition

Antitrust & Competition Policy Blog (Law Professor Blogs Network). Primarily developments in US antitrust law, but some  posts on foreign competition law