Safe Drinking Water
"Water Quality"[MeSH] OR "water sanitation hygiene"[tw] OR "bore well*"[tw] OR borewell*[tw] OR "Drinking Water"[MeSH] OR "drinking water"[tw] OR "open well*"[tw] OR "rainwater harvesting"[tiab:~3] OR “harvested rainwater”[tiab:~3] OR "unsafe water"[tiab:~3] OR "untreated water"[tiab:~3] OR "water access"[tiab:~3] OR "water contamination"[tiab:~3] OR "water contaminant"[tiab:~3] OR "water contaminated"[tiab:~3] OR "water contaminate"[tiab:~3] OR "water collection"[tiab:~3] OR "water collect"[tiab:~3] OR "water collecting"[tiab:~3] OR "water chlorine"[tiab:~3] OR "water cleaning"[tiab:~3] OR "water decontamination"[tiab:~3] OR "water disinfection"[tiab:~3] OR "water drinking"[tiab:~3] OR "water fetching"[tiab:~3] OR "water filter"[tiab:~3] OR "water filtered"[tiab:~3] OR "water filters"[tiab:~3] OR "water filtration"[tiab:~3] OR "water fluoride"[tiab:~3] OR "water insecurity"[tiab:~3] OR "water potable"[tiab:~3] OR "Water Purification"[MeSH] OR "water purification"[tiab:~3] OR "water quality"[tiab:~3] OR "water recontamination"[tiab:~3] OR "water re-contamination"[tiab:~3] OR "water safety"[tiab:~3] OR "water source"[tiab:~3] OR "water storage"[tiab:~3] OR "Water Supply"[MeSH] OR "water supply"[tiab:~3] OR "water treatment"[tiab:~3]
"Hygiene"[Mesh] OR hygien*[tw] OR "Detergents"[MeSH] OR detergent*[tw] OR "hand disinfection"[tw] OR “hand sanitisation”[tiab:~3] OR “hand sanitiser”[tiab:~3] OR “hand sanitising”[tiab:~3] OR “hand sanitization”[tiab:~3] OR “hand sanitizer”[tiab:~3] OR “hand sanitizing”[tiab:~3] OR “hand washing”[tw] OR handwashing[tw] OR soap*[tw] OR "menstrual hygiene"[tiab:~3] OR "menstruation hygiene"[tiab:~3] OR "menstruation practice"[tw] OR "menstrual practices"[tw]
"Sanitation"[MeSH] OR sanitation[tw] OR "Bathroom Equipment"[MeSH] OR "bathroom equipment"[tw] OR commode[tw] OR diarrhoea*[tw] OR diarrhea*[tw] OR excreta[tw] OR feces[tw] OR faeces[tw] OR fecal[tw] OR faecal[tw] OR latrine*[tw] OR “open defecation"[tw] OR "septic system"[tiab:~3] OR "septic systems"[tiab:~3] OR "septic tank"[tiab:~3] OR sewage[tw] OR toilet*[tw] OR urinat*[tw] OR "urination"[MeSH] OR urinal[tw] OR "waste management"[tw] OR "Wastewater"[Mesh] OR wastewater[tw]
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
(water[tw] AND sanitation[tw] AND hygiene[tw]) OR WASH[tw] OR "Water Quality"[MeSH] OR "water sanitation hygiene"[tw] OR "bore well*"[tw] OR borewell*[tw] OR "Drinking Water"[MeSH] OR "drinking water"[tw] OR "open well*"[tw] OR "rainwater harvesting"[tiab:~3] OR “harvested rainwater”[tiab:~3] OR "unsafe water"[tiab:~3] OR "untreated water"[tiab:~3] OR "water access"[tiab:~3] OR "water contamination"[tiab:~3] OR "water contaminant"[tiab:~3] OR "water contaminated"[tiab:~3] OR "water contaminate"[tiab:~3] OR "water collection"[tiab:~3] OR "water collect"[tiab:~3] OR "water collecting"[tiab:~3] OR "water chlorine"[tiab:~3] OR "water cleaning"[tiab:~3] OR "water decontamination"[tiab:~3] OR "water disinfection"[tiab:~3] OR "water drinking"[tiab:~3] OR "water fetching"[tiab:~3] OR "water filter"[tiab:~3] OR "water filtered"[tiab:~3] OR "water filters"[tiab:~3] OR "water filtration"[tiab:~3] OR "water fluoride"[tiab:~3] OR "water insecurity"[tiab:~3] OR "water potable"[tiab:~3] OR "Water Purification"[MeSH] OR "water purification"[tiab:~3] OR "water quality"[tiab:~3] OR "water recontamination"[tiab:~3] OR "water re-contamination"[tiab:~3] OR "water safety"[tiab:~3] OR "water source"[tiab:~3] OR "water storage"[tiab:~3] OR "Water Supply"[MeSH] OR "water supply"[tiab:~3] OR "water treatment"[tiab:~3] OR "Hygiene"[Mesh] OR hygien*[tw] OR "Detergents"[MeSH] OR detergent*[tw] OR "hand disinfection"[tw] OR “hand sanitisation”[tiab:~3] OR “hand sanitiser”[tiab:~3] OR “hand sanitising”[tiab:~3] OR “hand sanitization”[tiab:~3] OR “hand sanitizer”[tiab:~3] OR “hand sanitizing”[tiab:~3] OR “hand washing”[tw] OR handwashing[tw] OR soap*[tw] OR "menstrual hygiene"[tiab:~3] OR "menstruation hygiene"[tiab:~3] OR "menstruation practice"[tw] OR "menstrual practices"[tw] OR "Sanitation"[MeSH] OR sanitation[tw] OR "Bathroom Equipment"[MeSH] OR "bathroom equipment"[tw] OR commode[tw] OR diarrhoea*[tw] diarrhea*[tw] OR excreta[tw] OR feces[tw] OR faeces[tw] OR fecal[tw] OR faecal[tw] OR latrine*[tw] OR “open defecation"[tw] OR "septic system"[tiab:~3] OR "septic systems"[tiab:~3] OR "septic tank"[tiab:~3] OR sewage[tw] OR toilet*[tw] OR urinat*[tw] OR "urination"[MeSH] OR urinal[tw] OR "waste management"[tw] OR "Wastewater"[Mesh] OR wastewater[tw]
Because WASH can be very broad, we have provided options for searching for concepts related to WASH.
Safe Drinking Water = access to and preparation of safe drinking water
Hygiene = hand disinfection, soap, hygiene practices
Sanitation = toilets, waste, and wastewater
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene = all three concepts combined for a broad and comprehensive search
Peterson, S. R., Leslie, S. L., Rogers, H. K., Nemeth, J., Reardon, E. E., & White, M. S. (2023, March). Search Hedges- Emory University. Health Sciences Research Guides. Retrieved [xx], from
Safe Drinking Water
"water quality" OR "water sanitation hygiene" OR "bore well*" OR borewell* OR "drinking water" OR "open well*" OR "rainwater harvesting" OR “harvested rainwater” OR "unsafe water" OR "untreated water" OR "water access" OR "water contamination" OR "water contaminant" OR "water contaminated" OR "water contaminate" OR "water collection" OR "water collect" OR "water collecting" OR "water chlorine" OR "water cleaning" OR "water decontamination" OR "water disinfection" OR "water drinking" OR "water fetching" OR "water filter" OR "water filtered" OR "water filters" OR "water filtration" OR "water fluoride" OR "water insecurity" OR "water potable" OR "water purification" OR "water quality" OR "water recontamination" OR "water re-contamination" OR "water safety" OR "water source" OR "water storage" OR "water supply" OR "water treatment"
hygien* OR detergent* OR "hand disinfection" OR “hand sanitisation” OR “hand sanitiser” OR “hand sanitising” OR “hand sanitization” OR “hand sanitizer” OR “hand sanitizing” OR “hand washing” OR handwashing OR soap* OR "menstrual hygiene" OR "menstruation hygiene" OR "menstruation practice" OR "menstrual practices"
sanitation OR "bathroom equipment" OR commode OR diarrhoea* OR diarrhea* OR excreta OR feces OR faeces OR fecal OR faecal OR latrine* OR “open defecation" OR "septic system" OR "septic systems" OR "septic tank" OR sewage OR toilet* OR urinat* OR urinal OR "waste management" OR wastewater
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
(water AND sanitation AND hygiene) OR "water sanitation hygiene" OR "bore well*" OR borewell* OR "drinking water" OR "open well*" OR "rainwater harvesting" OR “harvested rainwater” OR "unsafe water" OR "untreated water" OR "water access" OR "water contamination" OR "water contaminant" OR "water contaminated" OR "water contaminate" OR "water collection" OR "water collect" OR "water collecting" OR "water chlorine" OR "water cleaning" OR "water decontamination" OR "water disinfection" OR "water drinking" OR "water fetching" OR "water filter" OR "water filtered" OR "water filters" OR "water filtration" OR "water fluoride" OR "water insecurity" OR "water potable" OR "water purification" OR "water quality" OR "water recontamination" OR "water re-contamination" OR "water safety" OR "water source" OR "water storage" OR "water supply" OR "water treatment" OR hygien* OR detergent* OR "hand disinfection" OR “hand sanitisation” OR “hand sanitiser” OR “hand sanitising” OR “hand sanitization” OR “hand sanitizer” OR “hand sanitizing” OR “hand washing” OR handwashing OR soap* OR "menstrual hygiene" OR "menstruation hygiene" OR "menstruation practice" OR "menstrual practices" OR sanitation OR "bathroom equipment" OR commode OR diarrhoea* OR diarrhea* OR excreta OR feces OR faeces OR fecal OR faecal OR latrine* OR “open defecation" OR "septic system" OR "septic systems" OR "septic tank" OR sewage OR toilet* OR urinat* OR urinal OR "waste management" OR wastewater