"Palliative Care"[MeSH] OR “active dying”[tw] OR “actively dying”[tw] OR "Advance Care Planning"[MeSH] OR "advance care"[tw] or “advanced care”[tw] OR "advance directive*"[tw] OR "advanced disease"[tw] OR "advanced illness"[tw] OR EOL[tw] OR "end-of-life"[tw] OR “end of life”[tw] OR "end stage"[tw] OR “end-stage”[tw] OR hospice*[tw] OR "Hospice and Palliative Care Nursing"[MeSH] OR "Hospice Care"[MeSH] OR "Hospices"[Mesh] OR "interdisciplinary care"[tw] OR "last year of life"[tw] OR "life limiting"[tw] OR “life-limiting”[tw] OR "medical decision-making"[tw] OR "medical decision making"[tw] OR palliation[tw] OR palliative*[tw] OR "Palliative Medicine"[MeSH] OR "shared decision-making"[tw] OR "shared decision making"[tw] OR "supportive care"[tw] OR "symptom burden"[tw] OR "symptom management"[tw] OR "Terminal Care"[MeSH] OR “terminal care”[tw] OR "terminal illness"[tw] OR "terminal phase"[tw] OR "terminal stage"[tw] OR "Terminally Ill"[Mesh] OR "terminally ill"[tw] OR "total pain"[tw] OR “total suffering”[tw]
Peterson, S. R., Leslie, S. L., Rogers, H. K., Nemeth, J., Reardon, E. E., & White, M. S. (2025, Feb). Search Hedges- Emory University. Health Sciences Research Guides. Retrieved [xx], from https://guides.libraries.emory.edu/search_hedges/palliative_care
Other Terms to Consider: