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Search Hedges- Emory University

The search hedges featured on this page were created by Informationists at the Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library, Emory University.

Planetary Changes

("Climate Change"[mesh] OR "climate adapt*"[tw] OR "climate change*"[tw] OR "climate crisis"[tw] OR "climate disaster*"[tw] OR "climate emergen*"[tw] OR "climate related"[tw] OR "climate resilien*"[tw] OR "climate sensitiv*"[tw] OR "climate warming"[tw] OR "climatic adapt*"[tw] OR "climatic change*"[tw] OR "climatic crisis"[tw] OR "climatic disaster*"[tw] OR "climatic emergen*"[tw] OR "climatic related"[tw] OR "climatic resilien*"[tw] OR "climatic sensitiv*"[tw] OR "climatic warming"[tw] OR "Climate Models"[mesh] OR "climate model*"[tw] OR "climate predict*"[tw] OR "climate simulat*"[tw] OR "Carbon Sequestration"[mesh] OR "carbon offset*"[tw] OR "carbon sequestration*"[tw] OR "carbon sink*"[tw] OR "air quality"[tw] OR "atmospheric carbon dioxide"[tw] OR "atmospheric CO2"[tw] OR "Carbon Dioxide"[Mesh] OR "CO2 level*"[tw] OR "increasing carbon dioxide"[tw] OR "increasing CO2"[tw] OR "Extreme Heat"[mesh] OR "extreme heat"[tw] OR "extreme temperature*"[tw] OR "heat wave*"[tw] OR heatwave*[tw] OR "Hot Temperature"[Mesh] OR "hot temperature*"[tw] OR "Extreme Weather"[mesh] OR "extreme weather"[tw] OR "El Nino-Southern Oscillation"[mesh] OR "el nino"[tw] OR "la nina"[tw] OR "severe weather"[tw] OR "extreme hot weather"[tw] OR "extreme cold weather"[tw] OR "Global Warming"[mesh] OR "global temperature*"[tw] OR "global warming"[tw] OR "Greenhouse Effect"[mesh] OR "greenhouse effect*"[tw] OR "Greenhouse Gases"[mesh] OR "greenhouse gas*"[tw] OR "Ice Cover"[mesh] OR "arctic shrink*"[tw] OR "deglaciat*"[tw] OR "Sea Level Rise"[mesh] OR "sea level*"[tw] OR "sea surface warming"[tw] OR "sea temperature*"[tw])


This filter does not attempt to capture the numerous biophysical, geophysical indicators, or socioeconomic effects of climate change.  For additional terms, see below.

Peterson, S. R., Leslie, S. L., Rogers, H. K., Nemeth, J., Reardon, E. E., & White, M. S. (2023, March). Search Hedges- Emory University. Health Sciences Research Guides. Retrieved [xx], from

("climate adapt*" OR "climate change*" OR "climate crisis" OR "climate disaster*" OR "climate emergen*" OR "climate related" OR "climate resilien*" OR "climate sensitiv*" OR "climate warming" OR "climatic adapt*" OR "climatic change*" OR "climatic crisis" OR "climatic disaster*" OR "climatic emergen*" OR "climatic related" OR "climatic resilien*" OR "climatic sensitiv*" OR "climatic warming" OR "climate model*" OR "climate predict*" OR "climate simulat*" OR "carbon offset*" OR "carbon sequestration*" OR "carbon sink*" OR "air quality" OR "atmospheric carbon dioxide" OR "atmospheric CO2" OR "CO2 level*" OR "increasing carbon dioxide" OR "increasing CO2" OR "extreme heat" OR "extreme temperature*" OR "heat wave*" OR heatwave* OR "hot temperature*" OR "extreme weather" OR "el nino" OR "la nina" OR "severe weather" OR "extreme hot weather" OR "extreme cold weather" OR "global temperature*" OR "global warming" OR "greenhouse effect*" OR "greenhouse gas*" OR "arctic shrink*" OR "deglaciat*" OR "sea level*" OR "sea surface warming" OR "sea temperature*" )

Optional Additional Concepts

To use these optional concepts, add search terms with AND to the above search, for example:
("Climate Change"[Mesh]..."sea temperature*"[tw]) AND ("heat exhaustion"[tw]...sunstroke[tw])

Biophysical Effects

("heat exhaustion"[tw] OR "Heat Stress Disorders"[Mesh] OR "heat stress"[tw] OR "heat stroke"[tw] OR "heat-related illness"[tw] OR "sun stroke"[tw] OR sunstroke[tw])

Geophysical Indicators of Climate Change

("severe storm" OR "tidal wave*" OR "tropical storm*" OR "acid rain"[tw] OR cyclon*[tw] OR disaster*[tw] OR drought*[tw] OR "environmental degradation"[tw] OR famine*[tw] OR flood*[tw] OR "forest fire"[tw] OR heatwave*[tw] OR "heavy precipitation"[tw] OR "heavy rain*"[tw] OR hurricane*[tw] OR landslide* OR monsoon*[tw] OR mudslide* OR "natural disaster*"[tw] OR "Natural Disasters"[Mesh] OR rockslide*[tw] OR Smog[tw] OR thermal[tw] OR tornadic[tw] OR tornado*[tw] OR tsunami*[tw] OR "tropical storm*"[tw] OR typhoon*[tw] OR wildfire*[tw] OR "wild fire*"[tw])