"A Little Bit of Stata Programming Goes A Long Way," from Christopher Baum at Boston College (.pdf)
"CEU MicroData Stata Style Guide" from the Economics Department of the Central European University
"Getting Started in Data Analysis Using Stata and R," by Oscar Torres-Reyna, Princeton University
"Introduction to Stata," by Josh Errickson, University of Michigan
"Introduction to Stata," by Germán Rodríguez, Princeton University
"Main Continuous and Historical NHANES Tutorials," from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - This collection focuses on NHANES data, but the tutorials have useful guidance for analysis of survey data more generally.
"Resources for Learning Stata," from the Stata Corporation
"Resources to Help you Learn and Use Stata," from UCLA's Academic Technology Services
"The Stata Guide on Medium," from Asjad Naqvi
"Stata Cheat Sheets," from the "Fundamentals of Data Analysis and Visualization" Project
"Stata Cheat Sheets," from the Stata Corporation
"Stata Cheat Sheets," from Survey Design and Analysis Services
"Stata 17 Dates and Times Cheat Sheet," from Survey Design and Analysis Services
"Stata Visual Library," from the World Bank's DIME Analytics