"Advanced R," by Hadley Wickham
"Getting Started in Data Analysis Using Stata and R," by Oscar Torres-Reyna, Princeton University
"Quick-R - 'Accessing the Power of R'"
"R Econ Visual Library, from the World Bank's DIME Analytics"
"R for Data Science," by Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham
"R - "Quick List of Useful R Packages"
"R Graphics Cookbook," by Winston Chang
"R Markdown Cookbook," by Yihui Xie, Christopher Dervieux, and Emily Riderer
"Regular Expressions in R," from Dr. Joshua C. Fjelstul
"Resources to Help You Learn and Use R," from UCLA's Academic Technology Services
"Tidyverse - R Packages for Data Science," by Hadley Wickham
"The Tidyverse Style Guide," by Hadley Wickham