"Demographic Tables and Subgroup Summary Macro %TABLEN," from the SAS Communities Library
"Documentation for SAS Products and Solutions," from the SAS Institute
"Graphically Speaking: Data Visualization with a Focus on SAS ODS Graphics," from the SAS Institute
"Knowledge Base / Samples and SAS Notes," from the SAS Institute
"Main Continuous and Historical NHANES Tutorials," from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - This collection focuses on NHANES data, but the tutorials have useful guidance for analysis of survey data more generally.
"Research Guides: SAS", from Georgia State University Libraries
"Resources to Help You Learn and Use SAS," from UCLA's Academic Technology Services
"SAS Conference Proceedings (1976-Present)" - For searching for papers and proceedings from SAS user conferences.
"SAS Example Code: Examples, Tips, and Tricks"
"SAS Tutorials," from Kent State University Libraries
"Topics in SAS Programming," from UNC's Carolina Population Center