The Political Risk Services Group produces various data products that measure the level of "risk" to international business operations present in different countries across the globe. The library's holdings include two data resources from the PRS Group that focus on aspects of "political risk" in the form of political sources of risk to the profitability and security of investments abroad. These sources provide various measures for political (in)stability and institutional quality (e.g. levels of corruption). In addition to our PRS data files, there are other sources for risk data listed here.
International Country Risk Guide (ICRG) Table 3B Data:
PRS' ICRG rating system assess countries based on political, economic, and financial sources of risk. The Table 3B Data that are available via the Data Center provide ratings of twelve different components of political risk used by PRS to assess countries' political stability. Those components include government stability, socioeconomic conditions, internal and external conflict, corruption, "Law and Order," and ethnic tensions. The data are in monthly increments and cover the years January 1984 - July 2024. The Table 3B Data are accessible to Emory faculty, students, and staff only. They are available for research and educational use and are not to be used for commercial purposes.
To access the ICRG data, please contact Dr. O'Reilly. You will be sent a link to the data and you will have 72 hours (3 days) to download the files you need.
[NOTE: Annual estimates of risk data can be created by averaging the monthly values for a given year. Feel free to contact us for assistance.]
The PRS Group also makes some data samples from the ICRG available for download at Note that while the downloads from this PRS site are free, they are usually only for the most recent data and require user registration.
IRIS-3 Dataset:
"The IRIS Dataset was originally constructed in 1993 by Steve Knack and Philip Keefer for the IRIS Center at the University of Maryland, based on data obtained from the International Country Risk Guide. The dataset includes computed scores for six variables: corruption in government, rule of law, bureaucratic quality, ethnic tensions, repudiation of contracts by government, and risk of expropriation. Knack produced subsequent issues of the data for an ongoing series of working papers from the IRIS Center. In its current form, IRIS-3 contains data for the period 1982-1997." (Description taken from the PRS Group's site at The IRIS Dataset is accessible to Emory faculty, students, and staff only. It is available for research and educational use and is not to be used for commercial purposes.
To access the IRIS data, please contact Dr. O'Reilly. You will be sent a link to the data and you will have 72 hours (3 days) to download the files you need.