Reference works:
To find reference materials for your research topic try a search in library search combining keywords. For example: african americans history bibliography |
To find companions, handbooks, or bibliographies you can search library search or your topic and (handbook OR encyclopedia).
You can also try searching the portals to these resources below.
Oxford Bibliographies, annotated bibliographies that provide a gateway to research in particular subfields of History.
Cambridge Companions, guides to various Historical literature topics.
Routledge Handbooks, book-length companions to various topics.
Oxford Handbooks, reviews of scholarly literature.
Annual Reviews Online, reviews of scholarly literature in the sciences and social sciences.
Below is a handful of Emory's most recent encyclopedias. To find more on the same topic, go to the catalog record by clicking on the link below. Then click on relevant subject headings.
The Robert W. Woodruff Library collects guides to various source types (ie. newspapers and periodicals) as well as guides to archival and rare book collections. Here is a list of a selection of guides from our collection.