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Researching Urban Atlanta

A guide to locating current information about the Atlanta urban area.

Another Brick in the Wall--Pink Floyd (1979)

"Another Brick in the Wall," a protest song against schools,  was part of Pink Floyd's album The Wall. It was also released as a single and sold over 4 million copies. It reached number 1 in the United States.

Popular Culture & Education

Information on the impact of popular culture (music, videos, games, film and television) on children, teenagers/adolescents is found in many places.

In Library Search, you can locate books under subject headings "rap (music) -history and criticism", "hip-hop," "popular music-social aspects, " "schools in motion pictures," "education in motion pictures," "teachers in motion pictures," etc. Sample title: Hollywood Films about Schools: Where Race, Politics, and Education Intersect, by Ronald Chennault, Palgrave, 2006 PN1995.9 .S253 C44 2006


To locate articles try Google Scholar (all disciplines), Sociological Abstracts, ERIC (education), and consider indexes for African-American Studies, music, and film studies. You can locate indexes by discipline at databases@emory. Also look for libguides for various subjects.TIP: A useful term is "content analysis" which allows you to find articles which analyse the content of lyrics, etc. to find themes.


There are a number of websites which allow you to seach for words in song lyrics, e.g., (allows you to search by genre). IMDB is a large database which allows you to search films and TV by a number of variables.