Remember that the the city of Atlanta is much smaller than the Atlanta metropolitan area (less than 2 counties vs 28 counties). You can find statistics for each. Look at the map found under the tab "Welcome: Atlanta Basics"
Neighborhood Nexus has an interactive map that includes 400 variables for Atlanta neighborhoods.
Snapshot of Atlanta -is an online data visualization tool created by ESRI which provides a snapshot of Atlanta in terms of median household income, population change, population density, median home value, unemployment rate, average household size, and median age.
Weave Atlanta Indicators Tool (Open Access)--This site provides an online data visualization tool created by the Open Indicators Consortium which is an international consortium dedicated to improving access to data about communities and regions. The Consortium has developed and is evolving a web-based software platform for the analysis and visualization of data, including for example economic, social and environmental indicators, at the neighborhood, municipal, county, regional, national and international levels. Open Indicators Consortium
SimplyMap (Emory Patrons Only)--SimplyMap is a web-based mapping tool that enables you to take data from multiple sources and create professional quality maps and reports. The data are from the U.S. Census, EASI Analytics, and Mediamark MRI. EASI includes demographics, retail sales, quality of life variables, CPI, employment, consumer expenditures, and life stage clusters.MRI includes all product and media categories. Please note that while the data are available at small levels of geography (e.g. Census tracts), the data at those levels of geography are often "synthetic" and are estimated at such levels from data that are collected at higher levels of geography. Go here for a quick guide to SimplyMap. . SimplyMap is also available via Databases at Emory.
NEW Social Explorer also does mapping. SEE entry in righthand column for more info.
MetroTrends: Data and Mapping from the Urban Institute
Atlanta Regional Collaborative for Health Improvement, Mapping and Statistics. Contains a wide variety of demographic and health information. Website also covers policy issues related to health in Atlanta.
City of Atlanta Map Catalog and Maps
Atlanta Regional Commission mapping . Explore Census data with interactive mapping.
Atlanta-Journal Constitution maps. These vary by topic, come and go. Expect to find maps of home sales and value, usually by zip code.
Mapping Poverty in America (N.Y. Times Jan.2014) allows you to zoom into Atlanta and other cities down to the census tract level.
Google, with the assistance of the U.S. Geologial Survey and Landsat images, has created a Timelapse survey of the earth from 1984. Check out Atlanta. More info on Earth Engine
Atlanta Studies website features work from a variety of researchers around town, usually affiliated with local universities. Emory's Digital Scholarship Center is an active participant.
Sample projects include Emory's Battle of Atlanta Project, Georgia State's Planning Atlanta--A New city in the Making 1930s-1990s, Metro Atlanta Equity Atlas etc. Many projects involve mapping and statistics.
Each spring the group sponsors a symposium featuring a variety of presentations on Atlanta
Many of the Atlanta sites include statistical information for the city and region. You might want to also look at the following:
For demographic data the website for Global Atlanta has pulled together a series of easily usable links from the 2010 Census and recent American Community Surveys.
American Factfinder2 (Census Bureau) , Population and demographic data from the Census Bureau. How to use.
NEW Social Explorer is an online research tool designed to provide quick and easy access to current and historical census data and demographic information. Its contents include the entire U.S. Census from 1790 to 2010, annual updates from the American Community Survey, data on religious congregations for the United States for 2009 (including maps for counties and special census areas, as well as point maps of the actual congregation locations), decennial religious congregation data for 1980-2010, and carbon emissions data for 2002. Users can create reports and maps at various levels of geography, including counties, Census tracts, Census block groups, and ZIP Codes, depending on data availability.
County and City Data Book is the most comprehensive source of information about the individual counties and cities in the United States. It includes data for all U.S. states, counties, and cities with a population of 25,000 or more. It contains additional data for places with a population of 100,000 or more. Also included is a complete set of state maps showing all counties, places of 25,000 or more population, and metropolitan areas.
Information in the County and City Data Book covers the following topical areas: age, agriculture, births, business establishments, climate, construction, crime, deaths, earnings, education, elections, employment, finance, government, health, households, housing, income, labor force, manufactures, population, poverty, race and Hispanic origin, social services, and water use.
American Community Survey--Annual Census Bureau survey of 3 million households that yields demographic, social and economic information about the country, states, statistical areas and key cities, including Atlanta.
Statistical abstract of the United States -The National Data Book. Not only provides tons of data but you can follow the footnotes to find more detaile information. Includes official and private statistics. Updated by ProQuest statistical abstract of the United States. REF HA202 .P76
USA Counties --Almost 6,000 data items for all counties
State and Metropolitan Area Data Book -- Comprehensive data for states and metropolitan areas.
State & County QuickFacts -- Quick, easy access to Census facts about people, business, and geography.
LocalLabs: Atlanta, Georgia--Project to produce local data including by zip code.
MapStats -- Profiles with data from many Federal sources for your state and county.
Neighborhood Nexus is a community based resource for statistics related to the Atlanta urban area. Contains a wide variety of statistics and maps plus local issues in depth. Check out City of Atlanta Data Visualization Suites: Neighborhoods which includes 400 variables mapped to Atlanta neighborhoods. Affiliated with United Way.
Also check American FactFinder and American Factfinder 2 to obtain other data in the form of maps, tables, and reports from a variety of Census Bureau sources. More info on using American Factfinder; info on race and ancestry sources in American Factfinder
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution is also a major source for announcing and analyzing demographic& statistical information, e.g."Foreign-Born Population continues to Grow in metro Atlanta" 12/18/10 ; "Blacks , Hispanics lead Metro Population Growth" 3/18/11. See also Atlanta Crime Search from the AJC.
Atlanta area Neighborhood Profiles (from the AJC)
The AJC includes schools, home values, and demographic data on several neighborhoods in the Atlanta area. These are often defined by cross streets or other geography rather than incorporation or zip codes so this tool can help with micro-level searches
A note about Census 2010: the decennial Census was conducted on April 1, 2010. The 2010 Census was extremely short and asked questions about age, race, and household composition. This information is available at detailed geographical levels. No Census questions were asked about income, education or other variables. Much of this information is being collected by the new American Community Survey. Use the Census Bureau's Factfinder2 for results of the 2010 Census and the American Community Survey.
Common Core of Data (National Center for Education Statistics /NCES)
The Common Core of Data (CCD) is the Department of Education's primary database on public elementary and secondary education in the United States. CCD is a comprehensive, annual, national statistical database of all public elementary and secondary schools and school districts, which contains data that are designed to be comparable across all states.
School Data Direct
A place for educators, researchers, and policymakers to access information about public schools. SchoolDataDirect is an online service of the State Education Data Center (SEDC), a new service of the Council of Chief State School Officers, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as part of the Council's National Education Data Partnership. The SEDC will position itself as a leading voice on public education data and will focus on two work strands: (1) serving as a national advocacy leader for quality education data collection, standards, and use; and (2) serving as the nation's provider of a free, easy-to-use website featuring state education data and analytic tools.
School Attendance Boundary Information System (SABINS)provides, free of charge, aggregate census data and GIS-compatible boundary files for school attendance areas, or school catchment areas, for selected areas in the United States (including Atlanta). is one of the country's leading sources of real estate information. Particularly good at the local level. See Zillow for Druid Hills is another source of housing information including statistics.
Uniform Crime Reports, annual source of crime statistics throughout the nation . See also Atlanta Crime Search from the AJC. Uniform Crime Reports (Atlanta Police Dept.) is source of even more detailed statistics for crimes in the city.
Urban Mobility Report, annual report on traffic congestion throughout the nation.
Gallup Polls Historical: Education; Current Gallup
PDK GAllup Poll of Publics Attitude toward Public Schools (annual)
Lexis-Nexis Statistical (1973-present) (Emory Only)
Online source of statistical information issued by U.S. federal & state governments, selected private publications, and major international intergovernmental organizations. While some data is included, the database also refers you to publications in print, microfiche or the web which include the actual statistics. Check Library Search to see if the library has the publications abstracted. If they are not available, check the following fiche collections: micfiche 494, American Statistics Index; micfiche 486, Statistical Reference Index; and micfiche 510, Index to International Statistics.