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Researching Urban Atlanta

A guide to locating current information about the Atlanta urban area.


Georgia has one of the highest foreclosure rates in the country.

Atlanta Housing

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports frequently on housing issues including sales,prices, rentals, and foreclosures.For information on the paper, both history and availability (digital, paper and microfilm), click here

The Atlanta Branch of the Federal Reserve has produced a list of statistical sources on foreclosure.

Other sources of information on Atlanta real estate are Zillow and RealtyTrac.

Housing/ Foreclosures

Sample Book Titles:


The culture of property : race, class, and housing landscapes in Atlanta, 1880-1950  Lands, LeeAnn, 1967- University of Georgia Press. 2009  HD7304.A7 L36 2000

Atlanta : race, class, and urban expansion Keating, Larry, 1942-  Temple University Press 2001 HC108 .A75 K4 2001

Redrawing the Color Line: the History of Black Housing in Atlanta, 1940-1973. Ambrose, Andy. 1992. HM7.5 .A497

Sprawl city : race, politics, and planning in Atlanta Bullard, Robert D. (Robert Doyle), 1946- Island Press, 2000. HT243 .U62 A757 2000

White flight : resistance to desegregation of neighborhoods, schools and businesses in Atlanta, 1946-1966  Kruse, Kevin Michael, 1972- University Microfilms, 2000. F294 .A89 N4435 2000

White flight : Atlanta and the making of modern conservatism Kruse, Kevin Michael, 1972- Princeton University Press, 2007. F294 .A89 A233 2007

The Black metropolis in the twenty-first century : race, power, and politics of place / [edited by] Robert D. Bullard. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2007. HT221 .B53 2007


Atlanta Journal Constitution has done intensive investigation/reporting of the housing crisis. is the electronic edition which has the current paper as well as historic archives.

LexisNexis Academic (1991 to present)

Atlanta Area Neighborhood Profiles (from the AJC)

The AJC includes schools, home values, and demographic data on several neighborhoods in the Atlanta area. These are often defined by cross streets or other geography rather than incorporation or zip codes so this tool can help with micro-level searches.

Atlanta Office of Housing (City of Atlanta)

Atlanta Housing Authority is organized under Georgia law to develop, acquire, lease and operate affordable housing for low-income families. Today, AHA is the largest housing agency in Georgia and one of the largest in the nation, serving approximately 50,000 people.

Atlanta Home sales lets you search sales and home value information for ZIP codes and counties throughout metro Atlanta.

 Foreclosure Rates in Major Cities (CNN) compares 10 cities. Atlanta is number 9.

Mapping the Foreclosure Crisis(Atlanta) Center for Community Partnerships --CFCP(Emory University), More CFCP Atlanta research reports

"Atlanta Public Housing," City Journal 10, 2010.

"African American Suburban Development in Atlanta," Southern Spaces, 2006. is one of the country's leading sources of real estate information. Particularly good at the local level. See Zillow for Druid Hills is another source of housing information including statistics.


 **Additional Resources  in Real Estate Libguide

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