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Jimmy Carter - A Celebration


Amazing Things Jimmy Carter, Oldest Living President, Does in His 90s

When Jimmy Carter had been teaching at Emory University awhile, he asked then Emory University President Laney, what it would take for Jimmy to be able to make tenure. Emory President Laney said "Well Jimmy first you would have to develop a good reputation and then you would have to publish books." So President Carter was inspired to first write one book and then he wrote another and another until he had written more than 30 books. It took 37 years of his teaching at Emory, but he was finally granted tenure when he was 94 years of age. 

Here is a list of all of the books he wrote to help him achieve this goal:

 A Government as Good as its People (1977)

Why Not the Best (1977)

Keeping Faith: Memoirs of a President (1982)

Negotiation: The Alternative to Hostility (1984) 

Everything to Gain: Making the Most of the Rest of your Life (1987 with Rosalynn Carter)

Turning Point, A Candidate, a State, and a Nation Come of Age (1992)

The Blood of Abraham: Insights into the Middle East (1993)

An Outdoor Journal (1994)

Always a Reckoning (1995)

The Little Baby Snoogle-Fleejer (1996)

The Virtues of Aging (1998)

Christmas in Plains (2001 with Amy Carter)

An Hour Before Daylight (2001)

The Nobel Peace Prize Lecture (2002)

The Personal Beliefs of Jimmy Carter ((2002)

The Hornet's Nest: A Novel of the Revolutionary War (2003)

Sharing Good Times (2004)

Our Endangered Values: America's Moral Crisis (2005)

Palestine Peace Not Apartheid (2006)

Beyond the Whitehouse: Waging Peace, Fighting Disease, Building Hope (2007)

A Remarkable Mother (2008)

We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land (2009)

White House Diary (2010)

Through the Year with Jimmy Carter (2011)

 A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence and Power (2014)

A Full Life: Reflections at Ninety (2015)

Faith A Journey for Us All (2018)  - check it out from Emory Libraries

Jimmy Carter, 93, talks about his new book: 'Faith'

There are several Jimmy Carter Annotated Bibliographies that have been created and are interesting to read. The Carter Center in particular, has compiled a wonderful bibliography of the books that Jimmy Carter wrote. They have included the books that he and Rosalyn wrote together and the books that Rosalyn wrote by herself also. Below are Jimmy Carter Bibliographies that are interesting to read by this prolific, wise and yet humble author. 

Jimmy Carter Bibliography from The Carter Center

Jimmy Carter Bibliography from the Library of Congress

Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter Bibliography from the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library

Jimmy Carter Bibliography from Simon and Schuster