How to share your EndNote library or create a new team library
Share your existing EndNote library with up to 100 colleagues. Or work as a team to create a new library from scratch. The Little EndNote How-To Book X9 gives detailed information on using EndNote, including sharing libraries.
How it works:
If you want to share just a group from your EndNote Library, watch the video below.
NOTE: the person sharing a group will NOT be able to share attached files.
Has someone shared an Endnote Library with you? In order to access a shared library you must follow a few steps.
1. You must be using EndNote X7.2 or later. If you don't have that version, you can go to Emory's software express and download the latest version.
2.You must sync your EndNote desktop and online libraries, because the sharing process works through EndNote Sync. Here is a video on how to sync your Endnote desktop library to Endnote Online.
3. Once you have synced your library to Endnote Online, you can access the shared library. To open a library that has been shared with you in EndNote, select File -- Open Shared Library.
4. You will see a list of all the libraries that have been shared with you. Select the shared library you want to open and click the Open button.
5. The library will open, looking much like any other EndNote library. Note, however, that the name of the library will show the EndNote online account name of the owner. You can now add references. When you sync your library, these will be shared with the owner and others who have access.