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Reference Management Program

Import PDFs

Import a single PDF or a folder of PDFs.  EndNote will create a reference for the imported PDF(s).  The user will see the reference and the pdf attached to the reference.


  1. In your EndNote Library, choose File/Import/File. A window will open.
  2. Navigate to the PDF you have saved and select it.
  3. Make sure the "Import Option" is set to PDF.
  4. Click Import.

There is no sound, just video.

Importing Database Search Results

You can import search results from most databases into EndNote. This is made possible by import filters that come with the EndNote program.

  • Search the database via the web interface as you normally would.
  • Select the references you want, then save or export them.
  • Many databases now export directly to EndNote.
  • Some databases require that you save the results as a text file and then import them into your EndNote library.

Every database works a little differently, but the EndNote import filter for the particular database includes information on how to import the results. To see these filters, in EndNote select Edit/Import Filters/Open Filter Manager. Select the filter that matches the name of your database and you can see the download instructions within the filter information.

Import results from PubMed

Importing text files from PubMed involves a few steps.  The first video (PC) is video only.

Using Online Search in EndNote

With EndNote 20 and 21, to perform an online search within in EndNote, on the left hand side under Online Search, click on the database you wish to search like PubMed or Library of Congress.  [Although Emory provides access to over 1,000 databases, because of our security protocol, even if you try to configure the database settings, EndNote cannot communicate with them, unless they are open source like PubMed.]  

When you click on a database like PubMed, you will see the top pane change to a search interface as shown below.

Perform the search.  Once you see the results in the middle pane, click on the citations you wish to put into your EndNote library and click the + icon as seen below:

Enter a Reference Manually

The most basic way to enter a reference is by typing it in or copying and pasting information in the various fields.

  • Go to the References menu, select New.
  • Choose the reference type you want -- the default is Journal Article.
  • Populate the various fields.
  • For the authors section:
    • For organizational acronyms that you wish to spell out: i.e. CDC, the full organizational name should be written out and then a comma added at the end:  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
    • If there are multiple author names, enter each one on a separate line.  In addition, while there are many ways to add authors, the recommended format is as follows:
      Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
      Smith, R.E.
      White, M.S.
      Dudley, S.R.