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Data Resources for SARS-CoV-2

Tools and Software

coronavirus: The 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Dataset
An R package that consists of data for COVID-19 cases by state and province. The data are from Johns Hopkins University's Center for Systems Science and Engineering. See for additional notes on installing the package and getting the most up-to-date version of it and the data therein.

An R package for COVID-19-related data from different data sources, including the European Union, the New York Times, the Centers for Disease Control, and Apple. Note the different options for installing the package and accessing the data therein. The author also provides some sample code for using and visualizing the data.

An R package for importing county-level data on COVID-19 cases and deaths compiled by the New York Times and available via The package formats the data in a "tidy" form recommended by the COVID19R Project.

COVID19R Project
The COVID19R Project is "an attempt to provide a set of standards for creating tidy Covid-19 related data distribution packages as well as a centralized method for then redistributing the data sets themselves within R." The project includes various packages written to work with particular data sources and/or data for particular countries. See for documentation about the project and its various packages.

SAS Blogs: Coronavirus
SAS users who contribute to SAS Blogs have sharing syntax examples and tips for working with and visualizing pandemic-related data, along with sharing less SAS-specific posts about uses of data and analytics to address both the health and economic aspects of the pandemic.

The Stata Blog: COVID-19
Various posts for Stata syntax to access COVID-19 data from Johns Hopkins University's GitHub repository for COVID-19 data, along with sample Stata syntax to clean and visualize the data via graphs and chloropleth maps. See Stata's COVID-19 Resource Hub for additional examples of visualization and analyses of COVID-19 data via Stata.

The Stata Guide on Medium
Asjad Naqvi has produced multiple tutorials for visualizing data in Stata and customizing Stata graphics. The examples include various time-series graphs, maps, and animations, and make use of pandemic-related data.

An(other) R package for COVID-19-related data. Instead of consisting of datasets, this package includes functions for accessing them. It also includes functions for creating graphs for COVID-19 deaths akin to those that are published in the Financial Times. See for an introduction to the package.