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Data Resources for SARS-CoV-2

Economic Effects

"Another Way to See the Recession: Power Usage is Way Down"
A novel, if not exactly reassuring, attempt to estimate the economic effects of COVID-19 via daily data on electricity consumption in the United States and in European countries. The article is not explicit on where the data come from, but there are links to research using similar data that can be used to trace backwards.

CARES Act Provider Relief Fund
The Accountability Project provides access to HHS data on payments to health-care provides that were administered as part of the CARES Act and the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act. You can search through records from the dataset or download them in the form of a complete dataset. Additional documentation and sample R code are available from the Accountability Project's GitHub site for the data.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic
The U.S. Census Bureau has been conducting regular surveys on the economic and social impacts of the pandemic, including data on business formations, conditions for small businesses, personal health, mental health, and modeled estimates of "community resilience." The data are available in the form of tables, larger datasets, and via the Bureau's COVID-19 Data Hub.

COVID-19 Research Resources
The Research Division of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis has compiled publications by their economists and staff on various aspects of the pandemic, in terms of both its public health effects and its economic consequences. Various of the publications and commentaries have data associated with them. There is also a collection of links for data and additional resources, including dashboards for tracking relevant economic indicators and links to resources from other Federal Reserve System banks.

Database on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Trade Flows and Policies
As part of its compilation of COVID-19-related data resources, the World Bank has provided data on trade flows and policies for health-related products such as gloves, masks, and ventilators. The data are drawn from the Bank's World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) database.

Economic Tracker
The Opportunity Insights project, which focuses on matters of mobility and inequality, has put together an interface for data on the varying economic effects of the pandemic, including data on consumer spending, unemployment claims, and small business revenue. The data are available for states, counties, and metropolitan areas, varying by topic. Data are available for download via See for summaries and technical documentation about the data used here.

Estimated Low Income Jobs Lost to COVID-19
This project from the Urban Institute uses "data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, IPUMS 2012-2018 ACS microdata, r and Urban’s 2017 Census LODES data to estimate the number of low-income jobs (<$40,000 salary) lost because of COVID-19 by industry for every census tract in the US based on the residence of workers." The data are available in both .csv and .geojson formats. See for additional documentation and code for how the estimates are constructed. See for an interactive site for visualizing the data.

GlobalData is a collection of marketing/research databases covering topics such as medical devices, pharmaceuticals, IT, consumer goods, and retail. The databases include various assessments of economic effects of the pandemic on specific areas, such as pharmaceutical research and vaccine trials, demand for medical equipment, and effects from changes in consumer behavior on individual industries. The link here is via the Goizueta Business Library; note the different options for accessing the databases. The databases are also available via the libraries' A-Z Databases.

Impact of COVID-19 on Electricity Consumption and Particulate Pollution in the United States, European Union, India and China Combined
This site from the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago is refernced in the NYT article above, and it has a methodology section with more information about the underlying data used to measure daily electricy consumption in different countries.

Paycheck Protection Program Loans
The Accountability Project provides access to data from the Small Business Administration Paycheck Protection Program on federally-backed loans from commerical banks to businesses. You can search through records from the dataset or download them in the form of a complete dataset. Additional documentation and sample R code are available from the Accountability Project's GitHub site for the data.

Penn Wharton Budget Model (PWBM) Analysis of the Coronavirus Crisis
The Penn Wharton Budget Model from UPenn's Wharton School provides analyses and simulations of the economic effects of public policy and of policy proposals. The PWBM has been producing various analysis of the economic and health effects of the pandemic, including analyses of federal responses to it and a simulator (and data) of the health and economic effects of different scenarios of re-opening and social distancing.

University of Maryland COVID-19 Impact Analysis Platform
This project provides visualizations of state- and county-level data for the U.S on a variety of metrics for 4 different categories: Mobility and Social Distancing, COVID and Health, Economic Impact, and Vulnerable Population. The data are a mix of publicly-available data and estimated calculated by the project. See for a complete list of available indicators and for how to request access to the data for those indicators. See "Replication Data for: Quantifying Human Mobility Behavior Changes During the COVID-19 Outbreak in the United States" for a replication dataset making use of some data from this project.