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Subject Training for LSD

Best Bet Databases for Computer Science

Common Research Questions for Computer Science

1. I need to find a book to learn how to use this software e.g. ArcGIS, Microsoft Excel, Sharepoint, Python, etc. Then, see the O'reilly database link above and the unusual instructions to access. 

2. I can't find a book. If not in library search, forward the student's contact info and book title to Kristan. 

3. The library only has an online version. but I prefer a print version. What are my options? If need a title quickly and briefly, then try Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Or, if they think they will need to use this copy for a while, forward the title and person's contact info, to Kristan

4. I want to see a undergrad honors thesis in my department, see the guide links and instructions. 

I welcome other questions too. 

Subject Guide

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Kristan Majors
Woodruff Library
phone: 404-727-8932
I assist students and faculty with research and class projects. Feel free to contact me for an appointment.