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Nursing Resources

This guide is designed to help Emory students, faculty, & staff access library resources, find scholarly literature & tools related to nursing.

Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library

The Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library connects the schools of the Woodruff Health Sciences Center, Emory Healthcare and Emory communities with information and knowledge to support education, research, and patient care. Electronic collections, information management and analysis tools, technology-rich collaborative spaces, and a team of subject experts promote evidence-based care and interdisciplinary study and research.

The WHSC Library is located at 1462 Clifton Road on the plaza level across from the Whitehead Biomedical Research Building.

Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library
1462 Clifton Rd, NE
Atlanta, GA 30322

(See Campus Map.)   

  • For comprehensive driving instructions from all locations, see Directions.
  • Parking is available at Michael Street Parking Deck; for details and rates see Parking.
  • Disabled Persons Access:  For directions, click here.
  • Public Transportation: Marta serves Clifton Road with the #6 bus line.
  • The Library is open 7 days a week.  For detailed hours see Hours.

Branch Libraries

Emory University Hospital Library
Room H-140, EUH
Phone:  404-727-3090 Fax: 404-727-3033
Clinical Informationist:  Rachel C. Perry

Emory University Hospital Midtown Branch Library
Davis Fischer Building, room 1308
Phone:  404-686-1978
Clinical Informationist:  John Nemeth

Emory Saint Joseph's
Clinical Informationist:  John Nemeth

Our Mission

Mission: Optimize research, education, and patient care processes with reliable and sustainable access to data and information.

Vision: Connect and transform information and knowledge

Values:  Innovation Excellence Learning

Strategic Objective:  Develop robust services, tools, electronic collections, technology rich collaborative spaces, and workforce expertise to provide the WHSC user community with information and knowledge that supports evidence-based patient centered care, and interdisciplinary study and research.

Email us at

Check your spam folder if you don't receive a reply.


Sharon Leslie, MSLS, AHIP, Nursing Informationist (DNP, PhD programs)
Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library

Melissa Deuber, MSIS, Nursing & Research Impact Informationist (BSN, MN programs)
Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library

As the subject librarians for the School of Nursing, we're your primary contact for all things Library-related.  Contact us for assistance with:

  • Developing strategies to search for, review and organize scientific literature (PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, etc.).
  • Using bibliographic management systems (e.g. Zotero and EndNote).
  • One-on-one research consultations.
  • Guidance on literature reviews and systematic reviews.
  • General library orientation (Interlibrary loan, website overview, databases, searching the catalog, borrowing privileges, etc.)

The Emory School of Nursing uses APA (American Psychological Association) style.  The APA citation style is primarily used by disciplines in the business, social sciences, health, and education fields.

The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition (2020) is available for purchase from many booksellers, such as Amazon, for about $30.

Contact me for assistance in:

  • Designing classroom instruction sessions, such as demonstrating evidence-based sources (e.g. Cochrane Library, Joanna Briggs database) and show how to refine searches to find more pertinent literature.
  • Helping students develop information literacy skills and learn how to find and evaluate appropriate resources for their research.
  • Purchase recommendations, such as of electronic resources, books, journals, or databases.


For assistance with promotion and tenure preparation (e.g. calculating your h-index or obtaining publication data) contact Ask a Librarian.


For assistance, contact Mersiha Varupa (, 404-727-5192).

New Requests - Electronic Reserves (articles and book chapters)

  1. Log into Course Reserves ( using your NetID and password.  If you are not the instructor of the course ask to be made proxy for the course
  2. Click on “Upcoming Courses” and select the class that needs readings added
  3. Under the Home tab choose Add/Reactivate Reserves
  4. Choose Add an electronic item
  5. You will be prompted: What type of electronic item would you like to place on Reserves? Choose Link or book chapters
  6. Fill in the citation information as prompted.  Be sure to include the date the article should be made available by and any tags to make finding the article easier
  7. Once you have added all the class articles, email Mersiha Varupa, the course reserves manager, ( and ask her to review and make the articles available.

New Requests - Books or other print materials

Books and other print materials owned by the library or by the instructor can be placed on reserve and placed in the WHSC Library for short term use. If the item is an instructor’s personal copy, bring it to the Information Desk in the WHSC Library.  If the library has a copy, email us at (Ask a Librarian) to request that our copy of the book be placed on reserve.  Requests for books should be placed at least one month in advance of the start of the semester to assure that the book is available.  Please include the following information if available:

  • Book title
  • Author name
  • Edition/year of publication
  • Call number (search the library catalog)
  • Name of the course, course number, section number
  • Instructor’s name


What are the Library hours?

Winter Break

December 23 - January 1          Closed

Spring Semester Hours

Monday – Thursday                          7:30 am – 11:00 pm
Friday                                                  7:30 am – 7:00 pm
Saturday                                             9:00 am – 7:00 pm
Sunday                                                9:00 am – 11:00 pm

Emory Libraries Support

The Emory Libraries offer training on how to use tools for data analysis, organize and store information, and more. 

Contact Kimberly Powell ( 404-727-3961), the WHSC Libraries Research Impact Informationist, for assistance with calculating your h-index and with obtaining publication data for promotion and tenure submissions.