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Energy and Environmental Law Research Guide

International Climate Change Resources

This page provides secondary sources about international climate change law. For in-depth international law resources, visit Amy Flick's international law guides:

Research Guides

Browsing a few research guides is  a great way to begin creating a plan for your work. Research guides can quickly point you to reliable sources in an area of law or policy that isn’t yet completely familiar. 

Emory Law Library Research Guides:

Other research guides:


Emory Library Collections: Search the Emory Libraries catalog  for books (and book chapters) on or related to your topic. Some potential search terms include: biodiversity, capitalism, "climate change", conservation, development, disaster, discrimination, economic, ecosystem, energy, environment, "environmental justice", globalization, habitat, health, "polluter pays", pollution, protection, sustainable, "sustainable development", toxic, toxins, vulnerability, vulnerable, water, wildlife.

Book reviews: You can also find book reviews in many journal databases which will often give you the choice to select reviews as a search or filter option.

Titles on international environmental law include:


Law review articles (sources include some book reviews): Search law reviews and journals databases on WestlawLexis and Hein

  • Current Index to Legal Periodicals: Titles of new law review articles arranged by subject, including Environmental Law, Land Use, and International Law. Available in PDF, but use the HTML version to find links to indexed articles on Hein. 
  • International & Non-U.S. Law Journals: Hein includes a collection of international & non-U.S. law journals 
  • Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP): Search by keyword, subject, country of publication or heading.  Links to full-text of articles available on Hein, and to Emory's catalog for other availability. Law journals of other countries can be useful for researching the domestic law of those countries, as well as international law.
  • Index to Legal Periodicals and BooksSearch results include books, and you can limit your search by document type, including book reviews

Environment Complete and GreenfileSearch academic journals and general periodicals for articles on environmental studies and environmental policy

Journal articles from other disciplines.  Find journal databases by subject using A-Z DatabasesYou can also search Emory's Articles+ to find articles in multiple campus databases. 

  • Development Studies
  • Economics
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Health
  • Political Science
  • Public Health

Working papers: Search SSRN/LSN, which publishes email abstracting journals for working papers and articles accepted for publication. A good source to check for forthcoming articles. bepress Legal Repository is also a source for working papers and pre-prints, and it can be browsed by subject or for most recent additions. 


Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law: an online resource with peer-reviewed articles on public international law. The resource can be filtered by subject area, including International Environmental Law. Articles include bibliographies of secondary sources and citations to documents and primary authority.

Oxford Bibliographies on International Law: Extensive bibliographies of books and journal articles on subjects in international law.

Digest of US Practice in International Law: Chapter 13 in each recent year is on Environment and Other Transnational Scientific Issues, with US positions and actions on treaties and international initiatives. Also available on Hein Online

The Publications page for CIEL (Center for International Environmental Law) includes CIEL's research and reports, which include background and numerous footnotes. Search by issue headings and keywords.

OECD iLibrary: Reports and statistics by country or theme, including Development, Energy, and Environment.

World Bank Environment Resources: Data, research reports, and news on the environment and sustainability.

Other Starting Point Sources

CALI Lesson: Researching International Environmental Law: This lesson will acquaint you with the sources of international environmental law, and give you strategies for researching it.

 Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Law:  Detailed articles on international law topics, with citations, document lists, and bibliographies. Includes links to documents and the Oxford Law Citator 

Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law: Twelve-volume set, still in progress, on environmental law. Chapters cover treaties, international law, and national legal systems. Includes citations and some links to primary and secondary sources.

CRS Reports: Congressional Research Reports cover US legislative and foreign policy topics. Search for reports on environmental law and treaties in and in ProQuest Congressional

Study Aids

Study Aids on reserve:

Study aids can be a quick way to get background in a subject area, find information on treaties and international organizations, and learn terminology for searching in databases.


Questions for the MacMillan Law Library?

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Students, please submit your question(s) here:  

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          Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
          Saturday - Sunday: Closed 

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Emory Law Archives:
Physical archives: By appointment only.
Digital archives: More information available here
Limited remote services are available on a case-by-case basis. 
Questions?  Email Anna Sturgill, Law Librarian for Archives and Assessment Services