Begin your literature review as soon as possible. Ideally, you already started doing some research while refining and adjusting your topic idea.
What is a literature review?
A literature review provides an overview of the scholarly literature (e.g. books, articles, dissertations, proceedings) relevant to an area of research or theory. The review typically includes a summary of the major questions in an area and critical evaluations of previous work. Literature reviews are also helpful for their comprehensive bibliographies.
Literature reviews typically include these components:
For more detail see this webpage by the UC Santa Cruz Library. The following resources are great places to start when compiling a comprehensive bibliography.
Also consult reference works, encyclopedias, and handbooks to help identify relevant terminology.
Create a Search Strategy
Search Databases and Catalogs
The library catalog and these databases are good places to start for most anthropology projects:
For more options, such as area studies databases and other specialized resources or indexes, browse the Anthropology Research Guide or Databases @ Emory.
Ethnographies can be tricky to find since they are not classified in a consistent way. See this page for advice on identifying and finding ethnographies. Emory also has a few specialized tools that can help you find find books and films.
Need help?
Contact the Anthropology Librarian for an appointment or see if the Anthropology Research Guide has what you need.
Check peer review status: If the journal itself or the database you searched does not tell you if a journal is peer-reviewed (refereed), Ulrich's Periodicals Directory can help. Search for the journal title (NOT the article title). If the journal is peer-reviewed it will have the "referee" icon next to it.