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Theater Research Guide

Turabian/Chicago Style

The primary citation style guide for the Theater Studies Department is Kate L. Turabian’s Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, currently in its 9th edition. It is based on the Chicago Manual of Style, one of the most widely used citation styles in the humanities.

The Turabian Manual is only available in print. We recommend that you purchase a copy, but the library has copies that you can consult. You can also use these online resources below related to the Chicago Manual of Style.

Manage Your Citations With Zotero

Use Zotero to:

  • Retrieve citations from the library catalog, databases and the Internet.
  • Keep your citations and PDFs together in one place.
  • Create formatted notes and Works Cited lists in Microsoft Word and Open Office in your preferred citation style.
  • Archive web pages.

See the Emory Libraries Zotero Guide for basic tutorials.