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A Classics Research Guide

Resources to help Classics, Ancient Mediterranean Studies, and the study of the civilization and cultural achievements of ancient Greece and Rome

Classics on the Web

Classics at Emory University

Online Resources


  • Alphabetical List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

    An exhaustive directory of open access journals (Ancient World Online)

  • Ancient Narrative

    Journal interested in the ancient Greek, Roman, and Jewish novelistic traditions as well as the reception of these traditions in modern literature, film and music.

  • Arachnion

    Journal of Ancient Literature and History on the Web

  • Didaskalia

    Peer-reviewed electronic journal dedicated to the study of all aspects of ancient Greek and Roman performance.

  • Digressus

    Refereed online journal publishing reviews and articles related to Classical Studies, Archaeology and Byzantine Studies.

  • Electronic Antiquity

    Open access journal on the classics, now defunct.

  • Histos

    Online Journal of Ancient Historiography

  • Scholia

    Studies in Classical Antiquity