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Systematic Reviews


The Systematic Review Service (SRS) is a formalized service offered by Informationist at the Woodruff Health Sciences Center LIbrary. The SRS team offers two tiers of support for Emory research groups conducting evidence synthesis projects such as reviews for publication, practice guideline updates, or book chapters.

Systematic Review Service Eligibility

  1. To be eligible for Tier One-level of service, the Principal Investigator (PI)/Team Lead must be an Emory doctoral-level student, academic staff member, or faculty member.
  2. To be eligible for Tier Two-level of service, the Principal Investigator (PI)/Team Lead must be an academic staff member or a faculty member.

SR Service Team Tiers

Service Level Services Provided to PI & Team by Informationists Informationist Compensation Average Hours of Work
Tier 1
  • Initial consultation and discussion to determine if a systematic review is the best review type to answer the question vs. other types of reviews (e.g., literature review, scoping review, etc.).
  • Develop a PubMed search strategy.
  • Identify additional databases to extend the search.
  • Help to identify grey literature sources.
  • Provide guidance on additional searching methods such as hand searching and reference searching.
  • Advise on citation management, screening and article appraisal tools.
  • Recommend tools to select a journal for manuscript submission.
Acknowledgement by name in manuscript   10

Tier 2

(available to Emory academic staff and faculty members)

  Tier 1, plus:

  • Aid with protocol registration (e.g. PROSPERO).
  • Translate search strategy for each additional database (e.g. Embase, CINAHL, Web of Science, PsycInfo).
  • If appropriate, identify and search sources of grey literature.
  • Provide a citation data file to investigators.
  • Project management in the SR tool Covidence.
  • Write manuscript’s Methods section, including:
  • Provide search strategies per PRISMA recommendations.
  • Create PRISMA flow diagram.
  • Proofread and final review of submitted manuscript

Upon Request and at the Informationists’ discretion:

  • Assist with obtaining full-text articles. (Limited to 1000 citations)
  • Provide a ‘refreshed search’ prior to screening citations and manuscript being written.
  • Search journal identification tools and provide list of potential journals for manuscript submission.
Co-authorship 40-60+

Systematic Review Service (SRS) Request Form

Prior to collaborating on a systematic review project, the WHSC Library Systematic Review Service team will assess the feasibility of fulfilling your request.  

Due to academic integrity issues, librarians are not able to complete searches if it has any bearing on academic standing.  In these cases, students are encouraged to view our training page or request an instruction session through Ask a Librarian to learn literature searching skills for their assignments.

Please fill out the request form below and submit your request through Ask a Librarian.