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Library Orientation for Nursing

This information was developed for nurses conducting research via the Emory Libraries

Important Tips

1. Always start from the library's databases to access our subscriptions.  Look for the  button for fulltext options. 

2. Bookmark the Library website, PubMed and the health sciences journals A-Z list.

3. Download LibKey Nomad. LibKey Nomad is a free plugin that helps you access fulltext articles. Download the LibKey Nomad browser plugin for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge. Choose "Emory University" from the drop-down list when asked to select your institution. Once it knows you're affiliated with Emory, LibKey Nomad checks the web page of the article you're viewing to see if the PDF is available through Emory. If it is, you'll see a graphic in your browser window that looks like this:

4. Use a Citation Management system. Citation managers, also called bibliographic management software, can save time by:

  • Keeping track of reference sources
  • Downloading citations from article databases or book catalogs
  • Automatically formatting bibliographies in MS Word or Google Docs
  • Creating bibliographies in different publication styles

The Emory Libraries support EndNote and Zotero and offer workshops.

What's a Database?

You'll use library databases to find articles.  The word "database" in the library world refers to an online, searchable index of records for various materials, mostly articles, which will contain:

  • An abstract or summary of the article.
  • The citation for the article (title, authors, journal name, year of publication etc.).
  • Key subject terms added to the record by professional indexers who've read the article and identified its main topics.
  • A link/button where you can get (or request) the full article. Look for the   button or download LibKey Nomad.

The library has hundreds of databases that cover history, art, theology, sociology, business and more.  Because there are so many be sure to bookmark the health science databases to search for articles that are related to your topic.

How to: Install LibKey Nomad

How to: Search for a Book

How to: Find a PDF