Secondary sources provide an analysis and interpretation of historical events based on primary sources. Examples include:
Getting Started with Your Search for Articles: Modern history research will generally require one or both of the following databases. They can be searched simultaneously or separately:
Prominent source for scholarly journal articles, book reviews, and dissertations in U.S. & Canadian history. Covers sources published from the 1960s to present.
Access scholarly journal articles, books reviews, and dissertations in modern world history (1450 to present) excluding the U.S. and Canada. Covers sources published from 1955 to present.
Subject Specific Article Databases: If you would like to search article databases in your research areas, please click on one or more of the subject guide links below relevant to your research area.
Official digital archive of the Library of Congress and the database of record for graduate research. Search citations to dissertations and theses from around the world from 1861 to present day, and access full text dissertations.