U.S Trustee Program: Statistics and reports on bankruptcy filings. The U.S. Trustee site has annual reports, bankruptcy statistics, Chapter 7 Trustee reports, USTP enforcement activity, debtor audits, and criminal referrals.
American Bankruptcy Institute Newsroom: Statistics page with filing data and a Chart of the Day.
Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts:
Bankruptcy Caseload Statistics Data Tables include reports and spreadsheets on filings, and BAPCPA reports on consumer debtors, .
Administrative Office of the US Courts: Analysis and Reports: Bankruptcy Filings Statistics including the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act Report, Judicial Business of the United States Courts, Federal Court Management Statistics, and Federal Judicial Caseload Statistics.
Tracfed: Court data from US District Courts includes tables for bankruptcy filings and actions by federal agencies. Tracfed also has data on criminal and civil enforcement, and judicial and federal staffing. A password is required for full access; see the reference desk for assistance.
Hein Online's Judges and the Judiciary Library: Federal Court Management Statistics 1980-latest (District Courts and Courts of Appeal) and Report of the Proceedings of the Judicial Conference of the United States 1940-latest (including tables of caseload and other court data).
National Center for State Courts: Court Statistics Project. Caseload data from the courts of the 50 states, DC, and Puerto Rico. Civil court data includes caseloads, clearance rates, tort caseloads, and medical malpractice caseloads.
Proquest Statistical Insight: Search statistics from federal agencies, states, IGOs, professional and trade organizations, commercial publishers, and research organizations. Find relevant statistics under Criminal Justice and Law, including FDIC state profiles and Bureau of Labor Statistics employment statistics.
OECD iLibrary: Online library of statistical databases and ebooks with global economic, labor, education, trade statistics.
United Nations Statistics Division: Statistical databases and publications including development, demographics, industry and trade, energy, and environmental.
Statista: Searchable database of statistical graphics and reports on economics, industries, and countries.
Bureau of Economic Analysis: Economic data, estimates, and fact sheets, including GDP, personal income, and international trade statistics, and the Survey of Current Business
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Labor statistics, price indexes, earnings and benefits statistics, and employment numbers
Congressional Budget Office: Cost estimates for bills, budget and economic projections, historical budget data, publications by subject area. The CBO also publishes a Glossary of Economic and Budget Terms, and it has infographics and a blog.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System: Statistical releases, principal economic indicators, banking data and regulations. Find data on household and mortgage debts and the Survey of Consumer Finances.
Bureau of the Fiscal Service: Treasury Department statements and reports, the Monthly Statement of the Public Debt, and the Treasury Bulletin
Insurance Information Institute: Insurance-related data including statistics on catastrophe losses, types of insurance
European Central Bank Statistical Data Warehouse: European Union and member state data on money, banking, financial markets, unemployment, securities trading, and prices
Economist Intelligence Unit Viewpoint: Reports and data covering country political and economic analysis, forecasts, and business regulations.
Census Bureau: Data from the census, American Community Survey, the Annual Business Survey, Statistics of US Businesses, the Survey of Income and Program Participation, housing data, and the Economic Census, with datasets, fact sheets, reference maps, surveys and estimates.
Historical Statistics of the United States Millennial Edition: Historical US census and and government statistical tables from 1800-2000.
Woodruff Library Guide to data resources and support at Emory in subjects including Courts and Criminal Justice, Economics, Elections and Voting, Governance and Political Institutions, International Relations, and International Economics.
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