What is the difference between trade and scholarly journals?
Trade journals are publications that are related to the practice of a specific industry. For example, Nations Restaurant News is targeted to audiences who work in that industry or Advertising Age is geared towards marketing professionals. The articles in these publications will speak to the interests of people working in those industries, including best practices, trends, and challenges.
Scholarly journals, on the other hand, are typically peer-reviewed (with a few exceptions, such as Harvard Business Review) and written by experts in their field. They are written for the academic audience, and often reflect primary research, data, analysis, comparisons, etc.
What are business case studies?
A business case study presents real-world business situations crafted to encourage problem solving and decision making. The Harvard Cases are the most widely used in business schools. In addition to their benefits as part of the curriculum, their focus on different industries, business topics, and companies can also make them useful for broader business research.
How do I access Harvard Case Studies?
Harvard Business Publishing does not license access to its cases on any database. You can view a brief description of Harvard's cases in Business Source Complete. However, if you want to download a full case, you must purchase it directly from the Harvard Business Publishing website; the cost is very reasonable, around $7-$10.
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