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High Museum of Art Power Users

High Museum of Art and the Emory University Libraries have a MOA that allows several HMA staff to have access to Emory resources for their research needs.


ARTstor is a repository of hundreds of thousands of digital images and related data. The images are drawn from different sources, such as museums, archaeological teams, photo archives, slide collections, and art reference publishers. ARTstor was launched by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to provide helpful and coherent collections of images and data to educational and scholarly users.

Insight at Emory

Access: Emory University students, faculty, and staff

LUNA/INSIGHT DIGITAL IMAGE COLLECTION Emory also uses Luna/Insight is a digital image storage, management, and delivery system; however, most images in our Luna/Insight can also be searched in ARTstor (use the drop-down menu in ARTstor to limit to Emory University collctions.)

You must log-in with you rnetwork ID and password to see all collections/images.

Search Engines Specifically for Images

Google Art Gallery

The Google ART PROJECT is a collaboration with art museums to allow users to discover and view artworks online in extraordinary detail. One can explore museums with street view technology, ie. virtually move around the museum’s galleries and select works of art of interest.  In the artwork view one can use the custom viewer to zoom into paintings and  expanding the info panel to learn more.

Sites for Sites



Sources for Copyright Information

Images and Copyright

You must obtain the permission of the copyright holder of an image before using, reproducing, or manipulating it in an assignment or research paper. It is a good idea to verify whether you have permission to use an image before including it in your work, rather than saving this step for last.

When dealing with freely viewable collections on the internet, look for a page with copyright information, a license statement, terms and conditions, or permissions. This page may give blanket permission for educational purposes, instruct you to check copyright terms for each image, or ask that you contact the image owner for permission to use it. In other cases, you may be required to pay a usage fee.

Creative Commons Licenses:

A growing number of online images are being published with Creative Commons licenses (for example, many of the images on Flickr and Wikimedia Commons). These licenses are designed to give copyright holders a range of permission options for digital intellectual property and in most cases allow educational uses.

Particularly if you would like to alter an image or incoporate elements of it into a new art work, you should examine the license for details of how you are allowed to use the image. To see the license, click on the Creative Commons logo or the Creative Commons License link.

Public Domain:

You will sometimes see images described as being "in the public domain." This refers to works that belong to the community at large, are not protected by copyright, and may be appropriated by anyone. For example, in Canada, most works pass into the public domain after fifty years following the end of the calendar year in which the author died. However, it is important to realize that while a work may be in the public domain, a specific edition or image of the work may be under copyright.


Using the Four Factor Fair Use Test by Gloria Harper (UT Austin)

UMUC's Copyright and Fair Use in the Classroom, on the Internet, and the World Wide Web

Washington's Guidelines for Image Use on the Web



Duke University's How to Judge a Good Image

ALA's Internet Resources Index (by topic)
Links to past Internet Resources columns from College & Research Libraries News, listed by topic.

Copyright free images

Art Images for College Teaching AICT is a royalty-free image exchange resource for the educational community. Features images organized by time periods (Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque, 18th-20th centuries and Non-Western. These images are royalty and copyright free and can readily be used for academic purposes.

Microsoft Office Design Gallery


Photography Images

In print at Emory

Online Catalog,  discoverE

Check printed sources such as museum collection catalogs, monographs on artists, exhibition catalogues, travel brochures, photography books, history and science books, and cultural studies.

Art Abstracts and Art Index Retrospective

1929 to the present

Covers 404 art publications from around the world. Subjects include: archaeology, architecture, art history, city planning, crafts, landscape architecture, film, fine arts, folk art, graphic arts, industrialdesign, interior design, and photography. The print edition counterpart to these two complimentary databases, Art Index, published by the H.W. Wilson company began in 1929.

Visual Dictionaries: Illustrations often containing informative labels may be found in the following source:
REF AG250 .C63 1986 The Facts on File visual dictionary/ Corbeil, Jean Claude.
REFQ123 .U43 1998 Ultimate visual dictionary of science.
REF PC4629 .M36 1997 Macmillan visual dictionary.
REF NA31 .C44 1995 A visual dictionary of architecture / Francis D.K. Ching.
REF PE1629 C633 2002 The Firefly visual dictionary / Jean-Claude Corbeil, Ariane Archambault.

Emory's Visual Resources Library, located in Room 226 of Carlos Hall, maintains a collection of over 160,000 35mm slides and a growing number of digital images used to support teaching and research in the Art History Department. Collection strengths reflect the subject areas taught in the Art History Department. A total of 50 slides may be checked out for a 24 hour period by Emory University students and faculty

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Kim Collins
Subjects: Art History, Classics