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Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies Research Guide

Guide to doing research on Russia and the former Soviet republics and the countries of Eastern Europe

Images of the Gulag

Gulag: Many Days, Many Lives presents an in-depth look at life in the Gulag through exhibits featuring original documentaries and prisoner voices; an archive filled with documents and images; and teaching and bibliographic resources that encourage further study. Visitors also are encouraged to reflect and share their thoughts about the Gulag system.

Other Images

NYPL Digital Library - includes thousands of images from prints, books, and historical maps published in Russia and adjacent areas between 1730 and 1935. Most notably, includes the several series issued by 19th-century collector and scholar, Dimitrii Aleksandrovich  Rovinskii. Special collections include:

          Russia and Eastern Europe in rare photographs, 1860-1945

           Posters of the Russian Civil War

Inventory of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Digital Projects

Электронная библиотека исторических документов

 Задачей проекта является создание Электронной библиотеки исторических документов, в которой исследователи в открытом доступе смогут найти, в перспективе, все исторические документы, опубликованные в России с 1991 года.

Электронная библиотека исторических документов