Gifts and Donations
The Oxford College Library welcomes gifts of books, manuscripts and other “gifts in kind” which enhance existing collections and support the major instructional and/or research programs of Oxford College, or deserve special consideration because of uniqueness, importance, or value. All gifts must meet the guidelines of the Library’s collection policies. The Library retains the right to accept or reject gifts or donations. Gifts and donations are accepted with the understanding that once received, such materials are owned by the University and the Library maintains the right to determine the disposition of the item in the most appropriate manner.
While the Oxford College Library welcomes gifts of books, manuscripts, and “gifts-in-kind,” potential donors of materials should contact the Oxford Library Director at 770-784-8380. Unsolicited materials received in the mail or without any prior notice to the library are considered as gifts and the library is under no responsibility to return them or add them to the collection. All gifts must be accompanied by a completed gift form signed by the donor.