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Collection Policies

Information about the Oxford Library Collections

Collection Descriptions

Below find descriptions of our various collections and retention policies for materials. For more guidance on retention of library materials see the deselection tab.


Scope: Main Monograph collection is the bulk of the Oxford College Library’s Collection. The library selects materials for our Main Monograph collection that support the Oxford College curriculum and the research needs of our faculty, staff, and students. Our collection has been built over many decades and constantly evolves and changes according to the needs of the College. The library has materials in a variety of formats, including print, electronic, visual materials (DVDs and streaming platforms), and audio formats.

Retention: Print materials may be selected for weeding and withdrawing when they become outdated, are in need of repair, or do not reflect Oxford's current curriculum. This process is done by subject, where space is most needed, by item format, by collection. This process is ongoing. The criteria used for deselection may change depending on goal or focus.


Scope: Bestsellers collection is leisure reading that was typically published in the past two years. This includes novels, memoirs, lifestyle, young adult fiction and nonfiction, popular fiction, popular nonfiction. 

Retention: These texts are reviewed on an individual basis after 6 months to a year in the collection based on library staff discretion. Texts that are both popular and critically acclaimed may be retained.  All collection team members are responsible for reviewing titles and determining retention. The retained texts will be moved to the stacks and are unlikely to be replaced in the event of lost, missing, or damaged status.

Graphic Novels

Scope: The collection consists of Graphic Novels and Manga and Books About Graphic Novels/Manga.

Retention: These materials are kept indefinitely and may possibly be replaced in the event of lost, missing, or damaged status.


Scope: Film collection is selective and includes materials for students and faculty to support their studies and instruction. 

Retention: DVDs are kept indefinitely and may possibly be replaced in the event of lost, missing, or damaged status. Films in streaming databases are accessed by use and budget. A film’s streaming video license will be allowed to expire if they have not been taught within 2 years of original reserve purchase.